- Naturally shiny and smooth. 有光泽的天然光亮而平滑的
- Made shiny and smooth by or as if by rubbing or chemical action. 磨光的,擦亮的因为或仿佛因为磨擦或化学反应而变得光亮而平滑的
- The end result is hair with a vibrant colour and a naturally shiny and healthy appearance. 全新仙姬染发霜提供持久、亮丽染发效果之馀,更能同时保护发丝,而且用法简易,只需瞬间即可染出靓发!
- One for western painting is surnamed Lv who always dressed up in foreign-style with western-style clothes and polished leather shoes and combed his hair shiny and smooth. 一位教西洋画欣赏课,姓吕,本人修饰得也很有“西方风度”,整日里西装笔挺,皮鞋锃亮,头发也总是油光闪闪。
- Duchess Satin, also known as Princess Satin, Delustred Satin and Bridal Satin, is a heavy weight satin with one side shiny and smooth. 公爵夫人缎,也称作公主缎,消光缎和新娘缎,是一种厚重型绸缎,其中一面光滑而富有光泽。
- The special added shea butter essence makes the furcal hair nutritious and nourishing, allowing the hair to long last shiny and smooth. 并特别添加乳木果精华素,使开叉秀得到营养、滋润,令头发更长久有光泽和柔滑。
- This shampoo gently cleanses, gloss-enhance the hair and helps to moisturize and smooth the hair, leaving it shiny and healthy-looking. 本品蕴含植物保湿成分和首乌等多种草本植物精华,均衡头部皮肤油脂,能持续维护受损发质,并蕴含天然草本芬芳,经常使用可使秀发亮泽健康。
- A gently cleansing, gloss-enhancing shampoo that helps to moisturise and smooth the hair, leaving it shiny and healthy-looking. 温和洁净及滋润头发,令头发柔顺亮泽,绽放健康光彩。
- of metals; not made shiny and smooth by friction 指金属;通过摩擦不使之发亮和光滑
- perfected or made shiny and smooth. 完美的或使之发亮光滑的。
- His skin was tanned and smooth and shiny with sweat. 他脸上黝黑滑润,由于出汗而发光。
- U is for unicycle so shiny and new. 是代表单轮脚踏车很发光和新。
- made shiny and smooth by or as if by rubbing or chemical action 因为或仿佛因为磨擦或化学反应而变得光亮而平滑的
- of metals e.g.; not made shiny and smooth by friction. 指金属等;通过摩擦不使之发亮和光滑。
- Thickening of hair with a shiny and healthy appearance. 头发密度增加而且具有健康而光泽的外观。
- The trader was fat and smooth and quietly smiling. 生意人长得肥胖、机灵,他安静地微笑着。
- Smile floating on the lemonade, soft and smooth. 笑逐颜开兮,温润如玉。
- The castle looked shiny and beautiful under the fireworks. 在焰火中城堡显得既美丽又闪耀。
- The thread they spin is thin and smooth. 她们纺的线又细又匀。
- Regular and smooth, as the surface of water. 平静有规律的和平滑的,比如水平面