- The forms of the Hakka kindreds were mainly the natural villages of a single family name and inhabitation of relatively concentrated kins. 闽西客家家族形态主要表现为单姓血缘的大家族自然村和相对集中的血缘聚居形式。
- If Cong Xin admires the angle of the scenery to tell, the view is really good, if is told from income, press down 29 natural villages completely, several limekiln are the poorest. 假如从欣赏景色的角度讲,风景确实不错,倘从收入来讲,全镇二十九个自然村,数石灰窑最穷。
- It transformed the rural traditional natural villages linked by consanguine and patriarchal relationships into the grassroots organizations of production brigades and teams under the people's commune. 它将农村传统的以血缘关系和宗族关系为纽带的自然村落改造成为人民公社下属的大队、生产队的基层组织。
- Methods 48 soil samples were collected from 24 natural villages in Zhangzhou and cultured in bengal rose agar plate, then the fungal count and species identification were carried out. 方法采样检验漳州市24个自然村48件土壤样品 ,用孟加拉红琼脂平板涂布法进行霉菌计数并分类鉴定。
- Xi Guohua says, want hard to realize word of electrify of all and natural village, all villages and towns can get online. 奚国华说,要努力实现所有自然村通电话,所有乡镇都能上网。
- Whole village.12 of 6 natural villages villager group.361 door.1422 mouth person.Agrarian region accumulates 2768 mus.Belong to Campagna area, much sandier loam. 高家村;古名康乐城;座落在棠浦镇西.;全村六个自然村
- In keeping with the French reputation for laissez faire attitudes towards others, the country is dotted with naturist villages. 法国保持着不干涉他人行为的传统,裸体主义者村庄在该国星罗棋布。
- Methods To detect fluoride level in the 5 handpump water samples of each natural village by screening. 方法以自然村为单位开展筛查,采集5份手压井水样做氟化物含量测定。
- Original natural village inhabited by the town's resources will be responsible for collating into farmland. 原来居住的自然村将由镇国土资源所负责整理成耕地。
- The issue that we plan to try hard to allow word of natural village electrify through 5 years gets settlement. 我们准备通过5年努力让自然村通电话的问题得到解决。”
- Ruyan Yao Minority county of Guangdong province is a poor mountain county, governing 14 townships,40 administration villages,240 nature villages,and all the towns and villages develop small hydro. 广东乳源瑶族自治县是一个少数民族贫困山区县,有14个乡镇,40个行政村,240个自然村,镇镇村村都办小水电。
- It is natural for a cat to catch mice. 猫捉老鼠是本能。
- It's natural to slack2 off towards the end of a hard day's work. 一天紧张工作快结束的时候有些放松是自然的。
- Many natural materials are becoming scarce. 许多天然原料越来越少。
- Yan Xishan organized administrative village on the basis of natural village by imitating city-village system (a militarist mode in Japan)for developing his strength of military affairs and cementing his ruler of warlord. 在弱肉强食的军阀混战年代 ,山西军阀阎锡山为了发展其军事实力 ,巩固其军阀统治。
- combining the counties and matching nature villages 并乡合村
- Our motherland flows with natural resources. 我们祖国蕴藏着丰富的天然资源。
- Events took their natural course. 事态依自然进程发展。
- She has a natural wave in her hair. 她的头发自然卷曲。
- Magnetism is a natural phenomenon. 磁力是一种自然现象。