- Problems of Carrying Protecting Natural Forest Project into Execution in Fengjie County 奉节县天然林资源保护工程实施中需解决的问题
- Management Rules of Natural Forest Protection Project,2001,SFA. 天然林资源保护工程管理办法;2001;国家林业局.
- Natural Forest Project 天保工程
- The natural forest protection project had initiated, and input into forestry was further enlarged. 天然林资源保护工程开始启动,林业投入进一步加大。
- The natural forest protection project had initiated,and input into forestry was further enlarged. 天然林资源保护工程开始启动,林业投入进一步加大。
- The "Natural Forest Protection Project" and the pro-jects for converting farming land back to forestry and pasture are mostly in ethnic minority areas. 国家实施的“天然林保护工程”和退耕还林、退牧还草项目主要在少数民族地区。
- Nature forest project 天保工程
- Veneer - not from intact natural forests. 实木贴面:非出自天然原始森林。
- Solid wood - not from intact natural forests. 实木,非原始天然林木材。
- Layer-glued wood - not from intact natural forests. 胶合木板-非原始天然林木材。
- Plywood - not from intact natural forests. 胶合板-非原始天然林木材。
- This paper analyses preliminarily the effect on converting cropland to forest project constructing from ecological,economical and social aspects. 从生态、经济和社会角度初步分析了四川省退耕还林工程建设成效。
- Chins have implemented Natural Forest Protection Project, Grain for Green Program, Fast-growing and High-yielding Progrm, and Shelterbelt Forestry Project etc. in succession since the year of 1998. 摘要1998年以后,国家相继实施了天然林保护工程、退耕还林工程、京津风沙源治理工程、野生动植物保护及自然保护区工程、速生丰产用材林工程和防护林工程6个林业重点工程。
- Surrounded by lush greenery, Clear Water Bay Knoll reflects the beauty and harmony of the natural forest. 都市繁嚣中,随时寻得更珍贵的时间和空间。
- The paper makes a brief summarization about the construction model and the achievement of water and soil conservation and fruit forest project at Guangen Town of Bin County. 简述了宾县光恩乡水土保持果林工程建设模式与建设成果,效益分析表明该果林工程经济和社会效益显著,有推广价值。
- It aims to rehabilitate and develop natural forests. 主要解决天然林的休养生息和恢复发展问题。
- Protecting natural forest resources,carrying out afforestation and improving the ecological environment. 保护天然林资源,开展植树造林,改善生态环境。
- Study on Genetic Structure and Genetic Diversity of Natural Forest to Quercus L. 栎属天然林的遗传结构和遗传多样性研究。
- Forest fallow: All complexes of woody vegetation derived from the clearing of natural forest for shifting agriculture. 休耕林,轮耕林:指天然森林斫伐清理后,准备转向农业使用过程中的所有林木植被复合地带。
- The national should support the forestation of shelterbelt using improved forest variety, and other forestation project with special usage. 国家对推广使用林木良种营造防护林、特种用途林给予扶持。