- Natsume Masako 夏目雅子(1957-),日本人,女演员。
- In a bar, Lee saves Masako from Shimizu Group. 由于他武功高强,被幕后老板清水昭文赏识并重用。
- The theme of triangle relation is present throughout Natsume Soseki?s early trilogy. 夏目漱石的早期三部曲,始终贯穿着一个主题:三角关系。
- The theme of triangle relation is present throughout Natsume Soseki's early trilogy. 夏目漱石的早期三部曲,始终贯穿着一个主题:三角关系。
- Psychiatrist Kure Shuzou diagnosed Natsume Soseki as a kind of precocious dementia. 精神科医生吴秀三把夏目漱石诊断为早发性痴呆症的一种。
- Crown Prince Naruhito, 46, and Crown Princess Masako, 42 have one child, 4-year-old Princess Aiko. 46岁的皇太子德仁和42岁的皇太妃雅子只有一个4岁的女儿爱子公主。
- Crown Prince Naruhito, Crown Princess Masako, Prince Akishino and Prince Tomohito have all studied there. 友仁亲王的女儿目前正在牛津就读。
- Natsume Soseki, born in a small government official's family in Edo(now Tokyo), was greatly influenced by Edo Literature, which was mainly expressed in his writing of HaiKu. 夏目漱石出生于日本江户(东京)的一个小官吏家庭,江户文学在他身上打下了深深的烙印,这主要体现在他所创作的俳句上。
- Masako Suzuki, one of Fischer's lawyers, said she expected Fischer would be released within the week. 消息传出后,菲舍尔的日本律师铃木真子表示,菲舍尔很可能在本周内获释。
- Crown Prince Naruhito, 46, and Crown Princess Masako, 42, have one child, 4-year-old Princess Aiko. 46岁的皇太子德仁和42岁的皇太妃雅子只有一个4岁的女儿爱子公主。
- Crown Prince Naruhito and his wife, Masako, have a four-year old daughter, Aiko, but under law women are not eligible to take the throne. 皇太子德仁和他的妻子雅子有个四岁的女儿爱子,但日本宪法规定,女性不能继承皇位。
- Masako Masuoka, an 81-year-old divorcee, is still fit enough to work as a volunteer cleaner and cook for her elderly neighbours. 81岁的离婚妇女益冈雅子依然能胜任清扫志工,并为她的邻居们煮饭。
- Crown Princess Masako tries out a writing aid for the handicapped at an ex-hibition of household goods invented by housewives on March 3. 3月3日,东京一家百货公司举办家庭妇女发明展,日本太子妃雅子到现场助阵,体验一个为残疾人设计的书写工具。
- Akie Abe voiced sympathy for Crown Princess Masako, who has a 4-year-old daughter, Princess Aiko, but has been under intense pressure to bear a male heir to the throne. 安倍昭惠也对日本太子妃雅子表示了同情。雅子育有4岁的女儿爱子,但因未为日本皇室生育男性继承人而饱受压力。
- Japan's imperial family members, including Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako, as well as Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, all went to the airport to see them off. 包括王储德仁和太子妃雅子在内的日本皇室成员以及首相小泉纯一郎,今天都到机场送行。
- To Luxun who falls into ethics conflict, he uses brick of death to build the Babel of love with uneasiness and affliction; To Natsume Soseki who dreams in a fair world, he uses the fire of death to smelt the gold of love with loneliness and melancholy. 然而,“爱与死”之于鲁迅和夏目漱石来说又是有所区别的,处于道德困境中的鲁迅是用“死”的砖石来建造“爱”的巴别塔,即“向死而爱”,这其中伴随着一种浓重的焦灼不安和痛苦不堪;而处于“幻影之盾”中的夏目漱石是用“死”的炭火来锻炼“爱”的真金,即“因死见爱”,这其中伴随着一种淡淡的寂寞无奈和悲哀无助。
- A massive parade of people carrying paper lanterns --a traditional celebratory ritual --is set to take place in the rural town in northern Japan from which Masako's family comes. 一支手持纸灯笼的大型游行队伍将要在太子妃雅子的家乡--日本北部的一个乡下小镇举行庆祝活动,这是日本一项传统的庆祝仪式。
- For many women in Japan, particularly those who might have hitched their ambitions to those of the princess, the news that Princess Masako is struggling has hit home. 对许多日本妇女来说,特别是那些和王妃一样有抱负的女人,太子妃苦苦挣扎的消息对于她们来说是沉重的打击。
- Masako Izumi, who successfully reached the peak of Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world, was able to accomplish such task partly with the help of wearing Teviron. 每一年都有研发数十种新产品上市,快速掌握市场动脉。
- L-R) Crown Princess Masako, Crown Prince Naruhito, Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko wave to wel-wishers celebrating the New Year at the Imperial Palace on January 2, 2009 in Tokyo, Japan. 1月2日,东京,日本皇室当日早晨在皇宫举行了新年庆祝活动。大约5.;2万日本群众出席了该活动。