- National Attack Warning System 全国突然袭击警报系统
- NORAD Automatic Attack Warning System 北美防司自动攻击警报系统
- NORAD Attack Warning System 北美防司攻击警报系统
- Silent Attack Warning System 无声攻击警报系统
- satellite attack warning system 卫星攻击警报系统
- Attack Warning System 攻击警报系统
- VEWS? Very Early Warning System? 极早期预警系统?
- A pollution warning system is being established. 正在建立一个污染报警系统。
- Automated Attack Warning System 自动化攻击警报系统
- Midas was the first such warning system in the world. 飞弹防御警报系统是世界上第一个此类型的警报系统。
- Don't worry, we have a tsunami early warning system. 别担心,我们有海啸预警系统。
- Why did the nation attack the United States and recklessly continue to fight when prospects for victory were fading fast? 为什么这个国家攻击了美国并在胜利的希望黯淡渺茫的时候还疯狂的想继续战斗下去?
- A drill testing the tsunami warning system was held in Bali Indonesia. 在印度尼西亚的巴厘建造起了飓风预测报警系统。
- Every school should have an early warning system to avoid this problem. 每个学校都应该打好预防针,防止该类事故再次发生。
- SNR Improvement of Laser Warning System Based on Hadamard Transform[J]. 引用该论文 王建宏;王志斌;张记龙;王明.
- Recommended actions aim to strengthen national preparedness, reduce opportunities for a pandemic virus to emerge, improve the early warning system, delay initial international spread, and accelerate vaccine development. 推荐的措施目的在于:增强国家对禽流感的准备;减少全球流行病毒株出现的机会;改善早期预警系统;延迟早期国家间的蔓延;并加速疫苗开发。
- Basic early warning systems are being set up in the affected areas. 受灾地区将会安装预警系统。
- Chemical Attack Warning Transmission System 化学袭击警报发送系统
- A colour-coded rainstorm warning system is activated to warn people of serious road flooding and traffic disruption. 在暴雨发生时,一套以颜色标示的暴雨警告系统会即时运作,提醒市民路面已出现严重水浸,交通受到影响。