- Finally, it tries to open out when the national architecture form should be questioned and point out it is this basic springboard to resist culture invasion. 最后,试图揭示民族建筑形式在哪种情况下才成为问题,指出民族建筑形式的根本出发点在于抵抗文化侵略。
- National architecture form 民族建筑形式
- Architecture form emerged in Art Nouveau is called "Modernism" in Spain. 新艺术运动中出现的建筑形式 ;在西班牙被称为“现代式”;而巴塞罗那则汇聚了“现代式”建筑的主要作品 .
- This article Introduces the design idea, architecture form and space shape of Young Center in Hangzhou Binjiang. 摘要该文介绍了杭州滨江青少年宫设计方案的构思理念、建筑造型和空间形态。
- Selecting foundation base scheme should consider upper architecture form, collocation and place. 地基基础方案的选择要结合上部结构形式和布置以及建筑场地的特点来考虑。
- Although modest, both public and private architecture form a harmonious whole, thanks to the coherent use of local materials and vernacular techniques. 由于城市建设时一直采用了当地的材料,继承了本地的建筑特色,这一切使得戈亚斯城内公共建筑和私人住宅达成了和谐统一。
- This article briefly analyzes architecture form and function of information process from basic concept to practice of modem architecture. 本文从现代建筑的基本理念到实践,概略分析了现代高校图书馆建筑与信息流程功能问题。
- People are more impressed by the concrete architectural form. 人们对建筑的感受,更多的是具象的建筑形式。
- national architecture construction corporation 国有建筑施工企业
- The architectural form consists of weighted properties and relationships. 架构形式由可度量的属性和关系组成。
- They are decorated with small round windows that remind you of ships, bent roofs and twenty-foot high walls of glass that make them special when compared with other architecture form the same period. 它们用小圆窗装点,这能使你联想到轮船,穹顶和高20英寸的玻璃墙,使它们与同时期的建筑相比别具风格。
- Begin with the history development process of harbin city,this paper states that city scene is born of the city history unity and coherence in writing and it is closely linked with the city architecture form development. 本文从哈尔滨市的历史发展过程出发,论述了城市的风貌源于城市的历史文脉,并与城市建筑形式的发展变化息息相关。
- Architecture form and the function of information process are the main questions for architecture, and are the basic questions that should be deeply probed into of modem university libraries design. 摘要建筑形式与信息流程功能问题是建筑学的关键问题,也是现代高校图书馆建筑设计中需要深入研究探讨的基本问题。
- Owing to the distinctions at origin and culture between the two clans, their ancestral halls are different in the following three sections: planning, architecture form, and decoration. 两大民系因历史成因、文化等方面差异而导致祠堂建筑在祠宅规划、建筑形制、装饰装修等宏、中、微观三层面的差异。
- Second, the landscape architecture form and also the function harmonized with the city developing process through the analysis of the correlativeness of landscape architecture and urban development. 通过分析园林与城市发展的相关性,指出园林在形式和功能上与城市发展同步是其设计风格的第2个特征。
- Our newspaper is a national newspaper. 我们的报纸是全国性的报纸。
- An ornament,a symbol,or an architectural form having the appearance of a trifoliate leaf. 三叶形有车轴草外形的装饰、符号或建筑形式
- The national debts of that country are rolling up. 那个国家的国债在不断地增加。
- An ornament, a symbol, or an architectural form having the appearance of a trifoliate leaf. 三叶形有车轴草外形的装饰、符号或建筑形式
- Many of them wore colourful national costumes. 他们很多人都穿着色彩鲜艳的民族服装。