- Steve Lobet of the National Wildlife Federation. 它们也不是野生环境的拯救者。
- Today, many organizations, including the National Wildlife Federation 许多的组织,包括美国野生动物联合会
- National Wildlife Federation 全国兽医协会
- The grounding occurred in the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. 事故发生在阿拉斯加国家海洋野生动物保护站区里。
- The sandhills were raised at the Necedah National Wildlife Refuge in Wisconsin. 威斯康新州的纳塞达国家野生动物庇护园培养了这批沙丘鹤。
- MM: No thanks. I have to go. I‘m speaking at the World Wildlife Federation event in about an hour. 爱猴先生:不了,谢谢,我得走了。一个小时后,我要在世界野生动物协会的一场活动上演讲。
- Phasing in that standard by 2012 would save 15 times more oil than Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is likely to produce over 50 years. 逐步采用那个标准,到2012年,节约的石油将比阿拉斯加北极国家野生生物保护区在50多年内可能生产的多15倍。
- Caption:: As if lined up for takeoff, kittiwakes perch on a precipice in the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. 相中的是美国阿拉斯加的海边,在悬崖上栖息了上万只的海鸟,一些专门居住在海边的雀鸟,而相中的主角是海欧。
- The Porcupine caribou herd grazes near Beaufort Lagoon in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. 在位于阿拉斯加的北极国家野生动物保护区中,一群波丘派恩驯鹿正在波弗特盐水湖边吃草。
- A brown bear hunts for fish in the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge on an island off the southern coast of Alaska. 在位于阿拉斯加南部海岸边一座岛屿上的科迪亚克国家野生动物保护区里,一只棕熊正在捕鱼。
- He was particularly critical of congressional resistance to authorizing oil exploration in a national wildlife refuge in Alaska, known as ANWAR. 他特别批评国会反对授权在阿拉斯加州的一个国家野生动植物保护区勘探石油。
- A polar bear sow and two cubs are seen on the Beaufort Sea coast within the 1002 Area of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. 波弗特海阿北极保护区的一00二区内,可见一只北极熊母熊与两只小熊。
- Every winter groups of sandhills migrate from Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge in Idaho to the warmer climes of Bosque del Apache. 每年冬季群体沙丘鹤移转由Grays湖国家野生动物保护区在爱达荷州,以温暖的bosque的美州印地安人地区。
- Come fall the young birds begin their first migration from Necedah National Wildlife Refuge in Wisconsin to Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge in Florida. 到了秋天,这些初长成的鸟展开牠们的第一次迁徙,从威斯康辛州的内西达国家野生生物保护区到弗罗里达州的恰撒荷维兹卡国家野生生物保护区。
- These wild horses roam free on the Maryland side of the island and are kept within fenced areas in the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge on the Virginia side. 这些野马在岛上的马里兰一侧自由地漫游,而在弗吉尼亚一侧给圈于青卡蒂国家野生动物保护区的围栏内。
- Police said Profeta and Henderson,ninth graders as William Floyd High School in Mastic Beach,played hooky together Monday and went to Profeta's house on Heston Road before walking to the nearby Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge about 11 a.m. 警方说,马斯蒂克海滩威廉·弗洛依德许学九年级学生普罗费塔和汉德森星期一结伴逃学,并去赫斯顿路普罗费塔家,然后上午十一点钟左右步行到附近沃特海姆国家野生保护区。
- Police said Profeta and Henderson, ninth graders as William Floyd High School in Mastic Beach, played hooky together Monday and went to Profeta's house on Heston Road before walking to the nearby Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge about 11 a.m. 警方说,马斯蒂克海滩威廉 弗洛依德许学九年级学生普罗费塔和汉德森星期一结伴逃学,并去赫斯顿路普罗费塔家,然后上午十一点钟左右步行到附近沃特海姆国家野生保护区。
- Much of the wildfire is currently within the Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, home to several endangered species, including about 130 red wolves and the red-cockaded woodpecker. 目前有相当一部分火区位于沼泽湖国家野生动物保护区内。这里聚居着包括大约130条红狼和红冠啄木鸟在内的好几种濒危物种。
- The largest of these, St.Vincent National Wildlife Refuge, is sanctuary to a rare mix of native animals and exotics that have survived from the island’s former life as a hunting reserve. 在其中最大的一座岛屿,即圣文森国家野生动植物保护区,难得一见地生存着一个由本土动物和异乡珍禽组成的大家庭,它们的祖先在岛屿还是狩猎地的那会儿侥幸逃脱了猎枪。
- Lostwood National Wildlife Refuge 洛斯特伍德野生动物保护区