- Diplomatic Tactics of Yunnan Military Government in National Protection Movement 护国运动时期云南军政府的外交策略
- National Protection Movement 护国运动
- How is animal protection movement related to social change? 动物保护工作和社会变化的相关性为何?
- The founder of the first nongovernmental environmental protection movement Lo Chao-ling (left), and cohort Li Ta-p'eng. 写下国内第一个环境保护运动的罗兆陵老师(左),与接他棒子的李大朋。
- The Qinshihuan Mausoleum is one of the historic sites under the major national protection. 秦始皇陵是国家重点保护古迹之一。
- In 1917, Sun Hongyi joined Sun Zhongshan"s constitution protection movement to resist northern warlord"s government"s illegal action against republic. 1917年孙洪伊加入孙中山领导的护法阵营,开始了与孙中山及国民党人的直接合作,共同抵制北洋政府忤逆共和的不法举措。
- Honor of national protection corporative counterpoises, but national itself counterpoises without honor, because " country " either " legal person " . 国家保护法人的荣誉权,但国家本身并没有荣誉权,因为“国家”不是“法人”。
- Our country constitution sets " public property sacrosanctity of socialism " , "The belongings of national protection socialism " . 我国宪法规定“社会主义的公共财产神圣不可侵犯”,“国家保护社会主义的财产”。
- the Movement for Nation Protection 护国运动
- Lynx is a nationally protected animal. 猞猁是受国家保护的动物。
- The author stands on the point that, it is the emerging o f the world wide environment protection movement and the challenges of various k inds of environmental problems that promote the development of the environment p olicy of EC/EU. 世界环境保护运动的兴起 ,以及自身所面临的诸多环境问题 ,促进了欧共体 欧盟环境政策的形成和发展。
- Environmental justice is a frontier problem in environmental ethics, whose appearance marks a new stage of world environmental protection movement and a transfer of environmental ethics. 摘要环境正义是环境伦理学中的前沿问题,它的凸现标志着世界环境保护运动进入了一个新的发展阶段,也标志着环境伦理学的转向。
- Labor Rights Groups (LRG) and Anti-sweatshop Movements (ASM) become a major force in the labor rights protection movement in recent years. 近年来,劳动权益团体与反血汗工厂运动,已经成为保护劳工权益运动的主要力量。
- Article 4 The wild animals under domestication and artificial breeding and plants under artificial cultivation, which enjoy the first-class national protection , and their products are forbidden to be used as the raw materials of health food. 第四条禁止使用人工驯养繁殖或人工栽培的国家一级保护野生动植物及其产品作为保健食品原料。
- In which 20 species were in the national protected bird and 18 species are provincial protected bird. 其中,属于国家重点保护的有20种,属于湖北省省级重点保护的有18种。
- This city is one of 3 when national protection extracts rare coalfield, it is the country is important advocate the anthracitic production base with cooking coal and Heilongjiang exclusive province. 该市是国家保护性开采的三个稀有煤田之一,是国家重要的主焦煤和黑龙江省唯一的无烟煤生产基地。
- High velocity, protected movement is key to successful sieges, and light forces are incapable of such movement in most cases. 高速度,有保护的机动是成功实施包围的关键,轻装部队大多数情况下是不能进行这样的机动的。
- The pangolin is called chuanshanjia or lingli in Chinese, it is a kind of national protected animal. 穿山甲又名鲮鲤,是国家保护动物。
- This book describes Coleoptera 30 families, 266 genera, 528 species, which of 86 species are new recorded in Henan, wildlife under key national protection is 1 species of grade II. 该书是河南昆虫志鞘翅目第一卷,共记述河南鞘翅目昆虫30科266属528种,其中86种为河南新记录种,1种为我国II级重点保护野生动物种,并附有黑白插图284幅,彩色图438幅。
- It can protect movements of motors, electrical appliances, it may balance weight in cutting, and make it more stable. 对电机、电器动作均有保护,并在切割时有配重,使之更加平稳。