- National Museum of New Zealand 新西兰国立博物馆
- Describe the National flag of New Zealand. 描述新西兰的国旗。
- National Museum of Canada collection. 作品获加拿大国家美术馆收藏。
- Collection in the National Museum of Man. 作品获国家人类博物馆收藏。
- The earliest people of New Zealand is Maori. 新西兰最早的居民是毛利人。
- Cook charted the coast of New Zealand in 1768. 库克于1768年绘制了新西兰的海岸图。
- Who's the sovereign of New Zealand? 新西兰的君主是谁?
- The Photograhpic Society of New Zealand Inc. 新西兰摄影学会。
- What is the capital of New Zealand? 新西兰的首都是哪个城市?
- What's the population of New Zealand? 新西兰的人口有多少?
- Fitzhugh, an archaeologist at the National Museum of Natural History and a co-editor of the new book. 他是自然历史国立博物馆的一位考古学家,也是这本新书的合著者。
- What's the total area of New Zealand? 新西兰的面积有多大?
- The new crustacean is described in the journal of the National Museum of Natural History in Paris. 法国研究人员3月7日表示,潜水者在南太平洋水域发现了一种新的甲壳类动物。
- Wellington is the capital of New Zealand. 威灵顿是新西兰的首都。
- What if the next New York Spring gala were a fundraiser for the National Museum of Ghana? 在纽约的下一个博物馆庆典是为加纳国家博物馆募集资金。
- Open Polytechnic of New Zealand. 新西兰公开科技大学。
- The kiwi is the native bird of New Zealand. 几维是新西兰德国鸟。
- This week on our program, we visit Washington's new Capitol Visitor Center and the newly reopened National Museum of American History. 在本周今日美国节目中,我们将会游览位于华盛顿的新国会游客中心以及重新开放的美国国家历史博物馆。
- Wellington is the capital of New Zealand . 惠灵顿是新西兰的首都。.
- Prior to joining NTU, Deborah was a Visual Information Specialist at the Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of the American Indian in New York. 其服务的客户包括:时代华纳,美国航天局,美国国务院,波特兰发展委员会和卡拉摩尔音乐艺术中心。