- National Maritime SAR Manual 国家海上搜救手册
- SAR Manual of the International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织的搜索和救援手册
- SAR Manual of the International Maritime Organization; 国际海事组织的搜索和救援手册;
- Scraps of paper from his English lessons in captivity on the island of St Helena go on show at London's National Maritime Museum on Thursday. 拿破仑在被囚禁于圣赫勒拿岛期间学习英语的几张碎纸片将于周四在伦敦国立海事博物馆展出。
- By courtesy of the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, Eng.; photograph, A. C. Cooper Ltd. 《邱吉尔舰长》,袖珍珐琅肖像,约1705年由博伊特完成;现藏英国格林威治的国家海事博物馆。
- A civil aircraft in emergency on the sea shall also flash signals to vessels and national maritime search and rescue service. 民用航空器在海上遇到紧急情况时,还应当向船舶和国家海上搜寻援救组织发送信号。
- Jean: It sounds like waves on the ocean. Are we on a ship? Lily: No, no, we are here in the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich. 没错。我们现在就是在坐落在伦敦格林尼治的国家海事博物馆。一进博物馆的大门,就能听到大海的涛声。
- "It became a matter of national pride who could have the quickest and best boat to cross the Atlantic in the Victorian age," said John Graves, curator of exhibitions at the National Maritime Museum in London. 伦敦国家海洋博物馆馆长约翰 - 格雷夫斯说:“在维多利亚女王时代,拥有横渡大西洋最快最好的船已成为一个国家的骄傲。
- Give Great Impetus to the National Maritime Work 管理更规范服务更优质全面推进海事事业又好又快发展
- National Maritime Museum and its exhibits 国立海事博物馆及其展品
- National Maritime Union of America 美国国家海事联合会
- New Zealand National Maritime Museum 新西兰国家海事博物馆
- The Caird Library of the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich 先生、格林威治皇家海事博物馆凯尔德图书馆
- Our newspaper is a national newspaper. 我们的报纸是全国性的报纸。
- The national debts of that country are rolling up. 那个国家的国债在不断地增加。
- Many of them wore colourful national costumes. 他们很多人都穿着色彩鲜艳的民族服装。
- SAR Manual for Merchants ship 商船搜索和救援手册
- Maritime SAR Recognition Code 《海上搜救识别规则》
- You can plug into the national computer network. 你可以接通全国计算机网络。
- October first is the National Day of China. 十月一日是中国的国庆节。