- National Information Reports 国家信息系统信息报告
- Chemical Industry Information reports policy, economy, market, science and tecnology, production, build, supply and demand on national and international petrochemical industry. 报道国内外石化行业政策、经济、市场、科技、生产、建设和供求信息。
- National information does Liu He vice director to make important speech to us even, comrade of cervine heart company will make working report. 国家信息办刘鹤副主任还要给我们作重要讲话,鹿心社同志将作工作报告。
- Use other software tools to design and export quality information report forms. 利用其它相关计算机工具和常用软件设计并编制质量信息报表。
- Speak out of turn, and an informer reports you. 你稍微不慎说了一点不适宜的话,会有人打小报告。
- The answers are timely and unique to the Information Age and the promise of a National Information Infrastructure. 这些问题的答案对于信息时代和国家信息基础设施的未来是及时而独特的。
- Gray, J.(1988). National information policies: Problems and progress . London : Mansell Publishing. 卢泰宏(1993)。国家信息政策。北京:科学技术文献出版社。
- Moreover also has the company market department correlation copywriter and the information reports composes the work. 另外还有公司市场部相关文案和资讯报道的撰写工作。
- Our programme works with specially designated government forestry officials in countries all around the world who provide us the national information. 我们的计划与世界各国政府专门指定的林业官员一起工作,他们向我们提供国家信息。
- Barka E,Sandhu R S.A Role-Based Delegation Model and Some Extensions.In Proceeding of 23rd National Information Systems Security Conference. 郭慧;李阳明;王丽芬.;基于角色和任务的访问控制模型的设计和研究;2006;
- TMDD &MS/ETMCC Guide.An Information Report by the TMDD Leering Committee of ITE and AASHTO.http://www.tmdd.org. 杨琪;王笑京;齐彤岩;蔡华.;智能交通系统标准体系原理与方法
- A national information security system is actually composed of national legislation and policy, and technology and market development platform. 一个国家的信息安全体系实际上包括国家的法规和政策,以及技术与市场的发展平台。
- If using condition actions, the subscription condition information report returns the query used to evaluate a condition-based subscription. 如果使用条件操作,则订阅条件信息报告将返回用于评估基于条件的订阅的查询。
- The article outlines the basic principles &blueprints for Global InformationInfrastructure &National Information Infrastructure and the benefits GII &NII will bring. 本文论及了全球信息基础设施和国家信息基础设施将给全球社会和经济带来的利益,并描绘了它们的发展蓝图。
- II. The Lender shall have a written authorization of both Borrower and Guarantor to inquire about their personal credit records and have personal credit information reports. 借款人和担保人应书面授权,同意贷款人查询其个人征信记录,并提供个人征信报告。
- Finally, the staff told them the latest information reports, timely, standardized antiretroviral treatment can extend the life of AIDS patients for 30 years. 最后工作人员告诉他们最新的资料报导,及时、规范的抗病毒治疗可使艾滋病病人的寿命延长30年。
- National Information Standards Organization(NISO).ANSI/NISOZ39.84-2000 Syntaxforthe Digital Object Identifier.[2007-05-07].hap://www.doi.org/handbook_2000/appendix_1.html. 中国科学技术信息研究所.;中国科技期刊引证报告2006
- Dubbed 100BaseRadio,the technology takes advantage of three newly allocated Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) frequency bands dedicated to high data rate communications systems. 这项被称作100BaseRadio的技术利用了三个高数据率通信系统专用的、(美国)新近分配的无需许可的国家信息基础设施(U-NII)频段。
- Work Reporting is a suite of reporting products, which enables Report Recipients to receive management information reports online instead of via traditional paper methods. Work报告服务是一项不以纸张来提供报告的产品,让报告收取人在网上收取管理资料报告。
- Dubbed 100BaseRadio, the technology takes advantage of three newly allocated Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) frequency bands dedicated to high data rate communications systems. 这项被称作100baseradio的技术利用了三个高数据率通信系统专用的、(美国)新近分配的无需许可的国家信息基础设施(u-nii)频段。