- National Housing Association 国家住房协会
- The capital's property numbers skew national housing statistics. 首都的房地产数目影响了全国统计数据的准确性。
- The Housing Association has had a large hand in the regeneration of Queen Square. 住房协会在女王广场的重建上出了不少力。
- What is meant by the term Cleaning House Association? 票据交换所是什么意思?
- A mortgagee approved by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) to make loans under the National Housing Act. 被加拿大贷款和住房集团(CMHC)根据国家住房条例批准的贷款人.
- Hobson:What is meant by the term Clearing House Association ? 霍布森:票据交换是什么意思?
- But Fannie Mae could need even more capital if it really wants to shore up its balance sheet while also backstopping the national housing market. 不过如果房利美真想改善其资产负债表,并为美国房市提供支撑的话,它可能需要更多资金。
- Guangzhou Housing Association long Chen Dunlin, from the current situation, the private sector would dominate this year in Guangzhou. 广州市房协会长陈敦林表示,从目前的情况来看,民营企业今年在广州将占主导地位。
- The housetypes have been checked by a housing association and the Housing Corporation, and meet all the SDS"essential"requirements and most of the "recommended" items. 房屋类型经过住宅协会和房产公司的审查,并且符合SDS所有的基本要求和大部分的“推荐条款”。
- Further refinements, involving Housing Association input will be made, with a view to applying for Housing Corporation type accreditation in due course. 为精益求精,住宅协会将在合适的时间被邀请介入,检查设计是否符合住宅协会类型要求。
- China's housing prices was difficult to achieve control of the state, to a certain extent, benefited from the country's policy of the national housing as a pillar industry development. 中国的房价之所以达到难以控制的地步,一定程度上得益于国家的政策,那就是国家把住宅建设作为支柱产业发展。
- Over the past few years, with the national housing policy changes have drawn up a series of housing reform policy, shelter from the kind of distribution gradually shift to the monetized. 近几年,随着国家住房政策的改变,陆续制定出台了一系列的房改政策,使住房分配从实物化逐步向货币化转变。
- The housing associations are one of the great white hopes of the housing reform. 住房协会是房改成功的一大希望。
- More than 100 German housing association tenants are obediently following tough new rules by agreeing not to use all the space in their apartments to avoid being forced to move out. 为了不被赶出去,德国住宅供应协会的100多位房客乖乖地服从了新的规定,同意不使用自己公寓里的所有空间。
- Through this program of action, we address ourselves to putting our own national house in order, and making income balance outflow. 通过行动,我们将予以我们自己一个有秩序的国家大厦,使收入大于支出。
- Through this program of action,we address ourselves to putting our own national house in order,and making income balance outflow. 通过行动,我们将予以我们自己一个有秩序的国家大厦,使收入大于支出。
- Diverse range of organisations : development trusts, co-operatives, housing associations, 'social firms‘, community interest companies (CICs) etc. 组织形式多样化:发展信托、合作社、住房协会、“社会公司”、社区利益公司(CIC)等
- Through this program of action we address ourselves to putting our own national house in order and making income balance outgo. 通过此项行动纲领,我们将致力于整顿财政,平衡收支。
- The S&P/Case-Shiller index of national house prices is down 16% from its peak, and judging by the overhang of unsold homes, has a lot further to fall. 标准普尔全国住房价格指数相对峰值下挫了16%25,考虑到还有大量待售房屋,价格指数将会降得更低。
- These challenging but achievable objectives can only be met by housing associations when they build, renovate and maintain their homes using sustainable development principles. 这些具有挑战性但可达到的目标,只能通过住宅协会在建造、翻修和维护他们的住宅时,利用可持续发展原理来实现。