- The amount that you have to pay to the National Health Insurance is usually stopped from you wages. 向国民健康保险所付的款项一般是预先从每个人的工资中扣除的。
- National Health Insurance, Justice, Health Care Reform, Taiwan. 全民健保、正义、健保改革、台湾。
- The country’s National Health Insurance (NHI) provides for universal access. 国民健康保险覆盖到了每个家庭。
- The Bureau of National Health Insurance raised both the insurance contribution and co-payment schedules in 2002. 摘要健保局于2002年提高保费及部分负担,引致对其公平性的质疑。
- After the introduction of the National Health Insurance, medical quality has become a commonly debated subject. 全民健保实施后,有关医疗服务质量的争议日多。
- Ko: We should have a mark on our ID cards, driving licenses or national health insurance cards, and this task could be undertaken by the Department of Health. 柯:在身分证、驾照或健保卡上面应该有标示,这方面的工作可以由卫生署执行。
- Foreign students at TMU should provide proof of national health insurance of Taiwan or other insurance related documents. 在校生应检附我国全民健康保险等相关保险证明文件。
- In average, each time a pharmacist offered cognitive services could help National Health Insurance to save drug fees of $ 189 NTD. 平均而言,药师每进行一次判断性服务所节省的健保药费为189元。
- There were 50.8% patients know the information of National Health Insurance (NHI) of Chinese Medicine, and the services were satisfied most of them. 有50.;8%25的受访者知晓中医健保医疗资讯,47
- This study examined the inappropriate utilization of hospital services under the National Health Insurance (NHI) program. 本研究旨在评估全民健保体制下,住院病患不合理的医疗服务利用情形。
- The National Health Insurance System(NHIS) in Taiwan has been established since 1995.The medicial expenditure has been steadily increased. 台湾自从于民国八十四年三月实施全民健康保险后,由于医疗费用不断上涨。
- The article tries to provide a critical review of the financial burden between the central and local governments on National Health Insurance (NHI). 摘要我国健保法施行以来,相关争议不断,有关各级政府承担健保费用一事,更引发中央(健保局)与地方(台北市政府)长期对抗。
- The medical costs included outpatient costs covered by National Health Insurance (NHI) and out-of-pocket medical care spending. 医疗成本包括全民健康保险医疗给付及病人自行负担的费用。
- During the period of employment the Employee shall be protected with imposition of premiums and compensations of the Labor Insurance and the National Health Insurance. 雇主依法应为雇员投保劳工保险及全民健康保险,其保险费及保险给付应依劳工保险条例及全民健康保险法之规定。
- Using the 1999-2001 National Health Insurance claim data, the results show that the utilization rate of well-baby care services was not as high as expected. 藉由1999-2001年健保申报资料分析结果,发现儿童预防保健服务的使用率其实不高。
- As well, the undergraduate family practice education programs will prepare future physicians with the adaptations and the challenges of the National Health Insurance Program. 医事学生的家庭医学课程必须培养家庭医学团队的医疗服务人才以解决社区内的医疗保健需要。
- While Taiwan has state-of-the-art Western-style medical care, many forms of traditional medical treatment are also covered by our National Health Insurance. 台湾有最先进的西医疗法,不过许多传统疗法也可以由健保给付。
- The interpretation and conclusions contained herein do not represent those of Bureau of National Health Insurance, Department of Health or National Health Research Institutes. 文中任何阐释或结论不代表卫生署中央健康保险局、或财团法人国家卫生研究院之立场。
- This study aims to explore the change of operation efficiency of military hospitals, after military personnel in the National Health Insurance System (NHIS). 摘要本研究主要目的在探讨国军医院于军人纳入全民健康保险体系后,其经营效率的变化。
- Two-Part Negative Binominal Distribution (Two-Part NegBin) model is used in this study to analyze the decision to utilize outpatient care under National Health Insurance (NHI). 摘要本文使用二部负二项分配模型,将民众在全民健保制度下的就诊,区分为机率与及频率两部分,并依照总就诊次数及西医、牙医、中医三类就诊数,分别分析其影响因素,以修正现有文献的缺失。