- National Defense Aircraft 国家防御飞机
- Air force is an important component of national defense. 空军是国防的重要组成部分。
- He works in the Ministry of National Defense. 他在国防部工作。
- National defense must take precedence over all other questions. 国防应优先考虑。
- In national defense construction, the aircraft flaps, and landing gear尾舵conditioning, warships and tanks turret rotation, submarine pump have to be ups and downs. 在国防建设中,飞机襟翼、尾舵和起落架的调节、军舰和坦克炮塔的转动、潜艇的沉浮等都需要用泵。
- At the national defense construction, the aircraft flaps, and landing gear尾舵regulation, warships and tanks turret rotation, ups and downs are required submarine pump. 在国防建设中,飞机襟翼、尾舵和起落架的调节、军舰和坦克炮塔的转动、潜艇的沉浮等都需要用泵。
- In national defense construction, the aircraft flaps, and landing gear尾舵conditioning, warships and tanks turret rotation, submarine pump h**e to be ups and downs. 在国防建设中,飞机襟翼、尾舵和起落架的调节、军舰和坦克炮塔的转动、潜艇的沉浮等都需要用泵。
- My profession touches our national defense very closely. 我的职业与我们的国防密切相关。
- How do you think RMA influnces the development of national defense? 你怎样看待军事革命对未来国防的影响?
- This is Liaison Bureau of the ministry of National Defense. 这是国防部连络局。
- Continuous progress was made in national defense mobilization. 国防动员工作不断进步。
- The 1920 National Defense Act defined the training system. 1920年颁布的《国防法》,以法律的形式将这一体制正式确立下来。
- To consolidate national defense, prevent and resist aggression. 巩固国防,防备和抵抗侵略。
- National Emergency Defense Aircraft 全国紧急状态防御飞机
- Education for national defense is our compulsory course. 国防教育是我们入学的必修课程。
- The electromagnetic launch (EML) technology has been applied in the fields of electromagnetic aircraft launch system, electromagnetic gun, linear electromagnetic induction pumping units, ramming machine and national defense and industry. 在国防和民用工业领域,电磁发射技术已经应用在飞行器弹射系统、电磁炮、交流电磁泵和打夯机等行业上。
- New advances were made in modernizing national defense and the army. 国防和军队现代化建设迈出新步伐。
- National defense and army building have made new strides in these five years. 人民军队贯彻新时期军事战略方针,实施科技强军战略。
- China's expenditure on national defense has consistently been kept at a low. 中国国防支出始终维持在低水平上。。
- How is the American future development of national defense related with RMA? 美国国防未来的发展将以何种形式与军事革命相关?