- National Day was approaching. 国庆节就要到来了。
- National Day was celebrated throughout the country. 全国都在庆祝国庆日。
- The National Day was celebrated throughout the country. 全国都在庆祝国庆日。
- When National Day was coming near, they began to make a plan for the holiday. 国庆节即将来临的时候,他们开始制订度假计划。
- The National Day and the International Labour Day are great events in China. 国庆节和国际劳动节在中国是重大的节日。
- July14 was declared their National Day. 7月14日被宣布为他们的国庆。
- In order to memorise this victorious day, each year when this day was approaching, people would cook beef and mutton and hold the Torch Festival with various kinds of activities. 后来人们为了纪念这一胜利,每到这一天,都要杀牛宰羊,举行火把节的各种活动。
- The United States will not stop asserting its power in the world because of that day; nor will the Japanese amass their money in Chinese banks because of that day. Tigers will day by day be approaching their extinction. 美国不会因为过了那一天,就停止对别国的指手划脚,日本人也不会因为过了那一天,就把钱都无端地堆码在中国的银行里。
- Her confinement was approaching. 她的分娩期临近了。
- The sailors took in sail when the tempest was approaching. 暴风雨来临之际,水手们将帐篷放下。
- As the day was wet we stopped in and played bridge. 由于下雨,我们没出去,在家打桥牌。
- October first is the National Day of China. 十月一日是中国的国庆节。
- That Sabbath day was a high day. 那个安息日是一个宗教节日。
- Rehearsals for Double Ten Day are underway in front of the Presidential Building. Taiwan's National Day celebrates the revolution of October 10, 1911, that overthrew China's last dynasty. 台湾的国庆日--双十节的彩排活动正在总统府前上演,这个节日是为了庆祝1911年10月10日推翻中国最后一个封建王朝而设立的。
- The shops were crowded, for it was near the National Day. 国庆节将临,因此商店里熙熙攘攘,人来人往。
- Rex's public life was approaching a climacteric. 雷克斯的社会生活正面临着危机。
- During the National Day, nearly all the units stick flags out. 国庆节期间,几乎所有的单位都在外面挂上了旗子。
- The enemy was approaching their doom. 敌人已快完蛋了。
- It rained on the day we arrived, but the following day was sunny. 我们到达的那天正下雨,但次日天气晴朗。
- The hour of his execution was approaching. 处决他的时间快到了。