- National Commission of Price 国务院物价委员会
- "Appraisal Procedures on Sci/Tech.Achievements"Promulgated by National Commission of Sci. &Tech. 国家科委制订《科技成果鉴定规程》
- The above price includes your commission of. 上述价格包括百分之二的佣金在内。
- The above price includes your commission of 2%. 上述价格包括百分之二的佣金在内。
- He was indicted for the commission of a crime. 他因犯罪而被控告。
- Can you give me an indication of price? 你能给我一个估价吗?
- Chinese National Commission of Man and the Biosphere Program 中国人与生物圈国家委员会
- National Commission of the People rs Republic of China for UNESCO 中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会
- We all approve of the commission of authority to him. 我们都赞成把职权委任於他。
- The increase of price is all along of the storm. 物价的上涨完全因为那场暴风雨。
- We allowed them a commission of 5 per cent. 我们给他们5%25的手续费。
- We make shoes in a wide range of price. 我们制鞋的价格幅度很宽。
- He is a member of the commission of inquiry. 他是调查委员会的成员。
- Interstate Commerce Commission of the U.S. 美国国内商业委员会
- The trend of prices is still upwards. 物价仍有上涨趋势。
- We usually charge a commission of 5%. 我们通常收取5%25的佣金。
- What sort of price do you want to pay ? 您想付哪种价钱?
- My usual terms are a commission of...%. 我的惯常条件是...%25的佣金。
- What kind of price range do you have in mind? 你想花多少钱买?
- Special Agrarian Commission of the National Commission for the Consolidation of Peace; 巩固和平全国委员会特别土地委员会;