- Nathan gasped in shock. 内森惊吓得只喘粗气。
- She gasped in wonderment at her good luck. 她运气这样好,惊奇地倒抽了一口凉气。
- She is still in shock after the accident. 事故发生后到现在,她仍然处于休克状态。
- He gasped in astonishment and I escaped a scolding. 他张着嘴一句话也说不出来。 我就此顺利地逃脱了一次“声讨”。
- They gasped in astonishment at the news. 他们听到这消息惊讶得倒抽了一口气。
- Her mother gasped in astonishment. 她母亲惊讶地喘息起来。
- And suddenly I gasped in horror. 突然,我惊恐地倒吸一口凉气。
- The brothers gasped in horrified silence! 约瑟的弟兄们害怕的说不出话来。
- The loss of vital heat in shock. 休克中失去了生死攸关的热量。
- The shoemaker's eyes widened in shock. 鞋匠吃惊地瞪大双眼。
- I reeled back in shock and disbelief. 我向后踉跄了一下,感到震惊,不敢相信。
- CHENNAI : The muggles are sure to gasp in fear. 泰米尔城市)消息:麻瓜们一定会在恐惧中喘息。
- By day four my kidney remained in shock. 到第四天,移植的肾脏仍然有排异反应。
- You ever known such a person to be in shock? 那你也应该知道,她们正处于惊吓之中?
- Still in shock I stumbled about in the house. 我仍感十分震惊地在房间里踌躇地转着。
- The noise brought her up in shock. 噪音使她骤然停止休克。
- Their senses were battered, their minds in shock. 他们的感觉受到破坏,他们的精神震惊不已。
- Then we turned a corner -- and I stopped and gasped in amazement. 当我们转了个弯时,我停了下来惊异的喘息着。
- Kim is in shock when her mother leaves with Eli. 看着母亲与伊菜离开,金姆感到震惊。
- When audiences saw the scene, they gasped in horror. 当观众看到这个场景的时候,他们都屏住了呼吸。