- Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will. 拿破仑攻无不克靠的是坚强的意志。
- Napoleon subdued most of Europe. 拿破伦征服了大半个欧洲。
- Napoleon called himself Emperor of the French. 拿破仑自称为法国皇帝。
- His sister is a weaver in this factory. 他姐姐是这个工厂的一名纺织工。
- Napoleon weaver 拿破仑织布鸟
- Napoleon Bonaparte shed much blood in his European wars. 拿破伦·波拿巴在他的欧洲战争中使人民血流成河。
- The coming of General Blucher at Waterloo turned the day against Napoleon. 布鲁克将军到达滑铁卢,使得拿破仑转胜为败。
- After the death of Napoleon, his empire began to fall to pieces. 拿破仑死后,他所建立的帝国也随之崩溃。
- The weaver will leave for the heavy heaven. 那位纺织工将要到阴沉的天国里去。
- The eager weaver did not notice my confusion. 热心的纺织工人没有注意到我的狼狈相。
- The forces of Napoleon were vanquished at Waterloo. 拿破仑的军队在滑铁卢全军覆没。
- He holds a match for Mr. Weaver's cigarette. 他拿出一根火柴给韦弗先生点烟。
- He was the son of an English weaver. 他是英国一个织布匠的儿子。
- Napoleon arrayed his troops for battle. 拿破仑部署他的军队以便作战。
- It commemorates Russia's victory over Napoleon. 它是为了纪念俄国和拿破仑交战的胜利。
- Mrs. Weaver is in the cafeteria. 韦弗夫人在自助餐厅。?
- The professor wrote a lengthy book on Napoleon. 教授写了一部有关拿破仑的巨著。
- Shall I make out a check, Mr. Weaver? 我给他开个支票吧,韦佛先生?
- Napoleon was viewing a military parade. 拿破仑正在参加军事检阅。
- The weaver fringed the edge of the scarf. 织工在围巾边上装穗