- World maps have always shown the Nansha Islands as part of China. 南沙群岛,历来世界地图是划到中国的,属中国
- We have the question of Diaoyu Island and the question of the Nansha Islands. 我们有个钓鱼岛问题,还有个南沙群岛问题。
- But now there is growing concern in China over the country's interests there, including the Nansha islands. 但是现在在那儿在国家的利益上有在中国的与日俱增的担心;包括南沙群岛.
- China owns indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands and their adjacent waters. 答:中方对南沙群岛及其附近海域拥有无可争辩的主权。
- Philippine officials believed that apart from China another country which poses potential threats to the Philippines in the Nansha Islands is Malaysia. 菲律宾官员认为,除了中国之外,在南沙群岛对菲律宾构成潜在威胁的另一个国家是马来西亚。
- I would like to reiterate that Huangyan Island and Nansha Islands have always been parts of China's territory. 关于美国海军监测船在中国专属经济区活动这件事,中方已经表明了立场。
- "Country security Principle" has been one of the basic theories of Nansha Islands Sovereignty Request by Philippines Government. 摘要“国家安全原则”是菲律宾政府提出南沙群岛主权要求的法理基础之一。
- Sovereignty claims over Huangyan Island and Nansha Islands by any other country are illegal and invalid. 任何其他国家对黄岩岛和南沙群岛的岛屿提出领土主权要求,都是非法的,无效的。
- As we know,Nansha Islands is always belong to China from ancientry,and no one country offer their dominion untill 20 century 60 ages. 众所周知,南沙群岛从古代起就一直是中国的领土,而且在20世纪60年代以前也从未有过哪一个国家对它们提出领土要求。
- World maps have always shown the Nansha Islands as part of China. Now one of the islands is occupied by Taiwan,while others are occupied by the Philippines,Vietnam or Malaysia. 南沙群岛,历来世界地图是划到中国的,属中国,现在除台湾占了一个岛以外,菲律宾占了几个岛,越南占了几个岛,马来西亚占了几个岛。
- Contents of some transitive metals of the sediments of Core NS93 5 from Nansha Islands, South China Sea, are measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP MS). 利用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)法分析了取自南沙南部陆坡的NS93-5钻孔沉积物的部分过渡金属元素含量的变化。
- It is lo- cated at the central part of Nansha Islands ocean areas where the middle Eocene to Quatermary strata are developed well and the thickest stratum arrived to 11000 meters. 盆地内主要发育了中始新统一第四系地层,最大沉积厚度11000 m。
- Coral reefs of Nansha Islands in southern South China Sea have the character of zonation due to the zonation of hydrodynamics, sediments and topography. 在南沙群岛珊瑚礁体上,水动力作用和沉积类型、地形地貌都具有成带分布的特点,因而岩体结构和工程地质性质亦具有分带性。
- China and neighboring states have disputes on the sovereignty of Nansha Islands, which makes maritime boundary delimitation in that area more complicated. 中国在南沙群岛海域与邻国存在领土主权争议,使得其中的海洋划界争议更加错综复杂。
- Firstly, Philippine President Arroyo recently signed a Baselines Act which includes Huangyan Island and some islands of Nansha Islands as Philippine territory. 首先,菲律宾总统阿罗约近日签署了领海基线法案,将黄岩岛和南沙群岛部分岛礁列为菲律宾所属的岛屿。
- In China, the study of multiform proxies of coral skelecton has been carry on, especially in Xisha Islands, Nansha Islands, Taiwan, Hainan, Xuwen and Weizhou Island. 我国学者已开展了南海西沙、南沙、台湾岛、海南岛、徐闻和涠洲岛等地区的造礁石珊瑚骨骼多种指标的研究。
- An anticyclonic eddy near the Nansha Trough,an anticyclonic eddy east of the Nansha Islands and a weak cyclonic eddy near the Nansha Islands occur in winter,and an anticyclonic eddy near t... 冬季,存在南沙海槽反气旋式涡、东南沙反气旋式涡和较弱的南沙气旋式涡;夏季,存在南沙反气旋式涡、巴拉望海槽西侧的气旋式涡和东南沙气旋式涡。
- The Philippine fishing boat carrying some 80 sailors sunk near Zhongye Reef of China's Nansha Islands at 11:25 am on Thursday while taking shelter from the wind, the center said late Thursday. 周四晚,搜救中心表示:周四上午11时25分,该渔船在中国南沙群岛重叶礁附近躲避风浪时造成翻船事故,船上大约有80名水手。
- QIU Zhang, CAI Shu-qun.Distribution on characteristics of mean sea temperature relative to thermocline in deep water of Nansha Islands sea area [J].Tropic Oceanology, 2000, 19(4): 10- 13. [4]邱章;蔡树群.;与南沙深水区温跃层有关的海水平均温度特征[J]
- I have two questions.Firstly, Philippine President Arroyo recently signed a Baselines Act which includes Huangyan Island and some islands of Nansha Islands as Philippine territory.Could you comment? 问:我想知道中美舰船在南海发生的事件是否会使中国参加打击索马里海盗等国际行动变得更加困难。