- Politically,our victory spells the end of the reactionary Nanjing government. 这胜利在政治上表示了反动的南京政府的灭亡。
- Before launching the battle, we gave the reactionary Nanjing government one last chance to reconsider. 我们发动战斗以前,曾经给过反动的南京国民党政府最后考虑的时间。
- Before launching the battle,we gave the reactionary Nanjing government one last chance to reconsider. 我们发动战斗以前,曾经给过反动的南京国民党政府最后考虑的时间。
- During the period of Nanjing government, the primary decision-making power is mainly predominated by the returned students from Japan. 摘要南京政府时期,留日归国学生掌握了主要权力。
- After Nanjing Government declared that the country got united in 1928, the movement of armaments reduction developed quickly. 摘要南京国民政府成立之后,随着北伐成功以及中国形式上统一,裁兵运动重新提上议事日程。
- The Nanjing Government determined the nature of military dissension broken out between Xikang and Tibet in 1930 to be local dispute and opposed to the interference of Britain. 南京国民政府将 1930年爆发的康藏纠纷定性为地方性冲突事件 ,反对英国插手干涉 ;
- The whole country requested the Nanjing Government to launch a war of resistance against Japan. Chiang, however, insisted on summoning up all forces to first deal with the CCP. 全国各界民众要求抗日救亡,但蒋介石南京政府则采取先安内,后攘外的政策,继续剿共。
- America controlled the politics and economy of China step by step.At the same time, Nanjing Government became appendage to American politics and economy. 通过币制改革,美国改变了对华的经济、政治策略,对华的经济渗透和政治控制进一步加强,南京政府对美经济依靠和政治依附日益深化。
- However, Beiping and Tianjin fell to the Japanese because of the Japanese peace negotiation conspiracy and the Nanjing government's suspects with the authorities of Heibei. 因日方实施和谈阴谋,以及南京政府与冀察当局的相互猜忌,平津相继落入敌手。
- Recently, the Nanjing government rent in the real estate development sector enterprises stripped of their special tax assessment Tax Evasion "evildoer's disguise. 日前,南京市地税部门在对房地产开发企业进行专项纳税评估中扒光了其偷漏税的“画皮”。
- Joining to ILO was good for Nanjing government to enhance the international reputation, but had no help for improving the relations between labor and capital. 国民政府加入国际劳工组织有利于国际声望的提升,却无益于劳资关系的改善。
- JIANG Jie-shi Nanking government is reined by GMD in name. 摘要蒋介石南京政府名义上是国民党统治下的政权。
- But Nanjing Government's insolvable obstacles in extensiveness,comprehensiveness and intensity,the Central Government's being perfunctory and the exhaustion of local financial resources finally prevented the movement from going deep. 但因南京政府在广延度、综合度和强度方面存在着无法克服的障碍 ,再加上中央心存敷衍及地方财源的枯涩 ,最终制约了废苛减赋运动的深入
- Sonnenberg officially "opened" the new facility during a ceremonial event with more than 100 guests and local dignitaries, and officials from Jiangsu province and Nanjing government. 在一个有一百多名嘉宾、当地贵宾以及江苏省和南京市领导等人士出席的开幕庆典上,Sonnenberg正式宣布亚洲流量技术中心投入运营。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- The storm in the countryside, though distant, nevertheless reverberated in the yamens of the Nanking government. 农村的暴风骤雨虽然离得还远,但是南京政府的衙门里已经可以听到它的震响。
- The liner flew straight to Nanjing. 客机直达南京。
- Nanjing government of the Republic of China 南京政府
- I find Nanjing quite/extremely fascinating. 我觉得南京十分/特别令人着迷。