- Naniwa Chieko 浪花千荣子(1907-73),日本人,女演员。
- The hurricane has a speed of 73 miles per hour. 飓风每小时73英里。
- Qiaokanali said that Cambodian-Thai boundary line long 790 kilometers, but has 73 boundary tablets, moreover was in 1907 installs underground. 乔卡纳里说,柬泰两国边界线长790公里,但只有73块界碑,而且是1907年埋设的。
- He won the 1907 Nobel Prize for literature. 他获得1907年诺贝尔文学奖。
- It equalled the 5-0 victory in December 1907. 1907年12月,红军也取得了对维拉5-0的大捷。
- There were panics in 1873, 1884, 1893 and 1907. 1873年、1884年、1893年和1907年均有银行恐慌发生。
- It was admitted as the 46th state in 1907. 它于1907年被接纳为美国的第46个州。
- ANA was detected in 73 of 92 patients((79.35%)). 92例PBC患者中有73例(79.;35%25)血清中存在抗核抗体(ANA);
- Dandong Port went into operation in 1907. 丹东港1907年开埠。
- QSL. Thanks for the nice QSO. Good luck. 73! QRZ? 抄收了。谢谢这次美好的通联。祝您好运。73!还有谁在呼叫我?
- The median age of the patients was 73 years. 患者的平均年龄为73岁。
- By mid-March there were some 73 vessels queued. 截止到3月中旬,已经有约73艘船在排队等候。
- Glover finished a final round of 3-over 73. 在最后他以超出标杆3杆打出73杆的成绩。
- Some 73% complained of shoddy academic standards. 73%25抱怨学校的教育水准低下;
- Exclude 73 coordinators in special schools. 不包括73位任教於特殊學校內的統籌員。
- The two groups did not always live in peace before 1907. 1907年以前,这两个集团不是始终和平共处的。
- Wystan Hugh Auden (1907-1973) was born in York, England, in 1907. 奥登(1907-1973)1907年生于英国约克镇。
- Then, a kind of simple safe chatelaine appeared, won patent 1907. 于是,一种简单的安全腰带出现了,并在1907年获得了专利。
- They upset the United States by 73 in the other semifinal. 她们在另一场半决赛中以79比73击败美国队。
- The Frenchman Paul Cornu made the first manned flight in 1907. 1907年法国人科尔尼研制了第一架载人直升机。