- Nani Posongay kako . 我从台东来。
- Kako su se voleli Romeo i Julija? 罗密欧与朱丽叶是怎麽相爱的?
- "Nani has a contract with us until June 2008. “南尼将会和我们签署新合同,留到2008年。”
- Nani's only a little guy but he shoots hard. 纳尼还是个小家伙,但是他的射门力量很大。
- Nani suffered a groin injury and he'll be out for a week. 纳尼遭受腹股沟的伤病,他将会缺席一周。
- Nani ultimately incensed Arsenal with his teasing and his showboating. 他还没有完全的实力代替罗纳尔多,但是他有脚下,有才华,有脑子。
- Giggs will replace Nani as Ferguson opts for an experienced line-up. 吉格斯要代替纳尼,因为弗格森爵士希望球队更有经验。
- The deal struck Nani by surprise with the speed in which it took place. 这笔交易达成的速度令纳尼感到惊讶。
- Grappolo_Group Stranica sadrzi informacije za privatne kako i za poslovne korisnike, sa odgovorima na pitanja kako nabaviti racunarsku opremu. 中国金属学会冶金行业的一个科技组织,是中国科学技术协会的组成部分。
- Queiroz now can't wait to work with Nani, 20, and Anderson, 19, honing their potential. 奎罗兹简直迫不及待要与20岁的纳尼和19岁的安德森共事。他们潜力惊人。
- In the import trade, our duty was to improve the turnover of the lubricant and the solenoid valves as the shanghai agency of DAISHIN KAKO and ROSS ASIA K. 在进口贸易中,我们是日本大新化工和美国ROSS亚洲总部的中国联络事务所,以提高润滑油脂和阀门的销售额为工作重点。
- We are in negotiations, which has been well documented," he said, speaking at a press conference to unveil new signings Owen Hargreaves and Nani. 我们正在谈判,已经备有证明文件了,”他同新签下来的哈格里夫斯和纳尼一同出席的记者会上说道。
- Ronaldo is excited by Nani's arrival and believes he will go on to become a top performer for the Reds. 罗纳尔多对纳尼的加盟感到高兴,并相信他将会成为曼联表现最好的球员。
- Nani is just working that way, obviously he's not the best in the world but he's got all the talent to be the best. 纳尼也正朝着那个目标迈进,显然他现在还不是世界最佳,但他拥有成为最佳的一切天赋。
- Kowai mono nado nani mo nakatta hazu sa there shouldn't have been anything for us to fear. 我们不应该惧怕任何事情。
- Chelsea scout Piet de Visser insists Manchester United paid over-the-odds for Nani. 切尔西的球探德维瑟坚持曼联在纳尼的转会上花费过多。
- Portuguese winger Nani, wanted by Manchester United and Spurs, says he'd love to come to England. 被曼联及热刺看中的葡萄牙籍边锋纳尼宣称他很想去英国踢球.
- Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson has confirmed Patrice Evra and Nani could be at his disposal this weekend. 曼联主帅弗格森爵士证实埃弗拉和纳尼周末可以进入比赛名单。
- Carlos Queiroz says Anderson and Nani will help make Manchester United strong for years to come. 奎罗斯宣称安德森及纳尼将帮助曼联在未来变的更强.
- "The idea was that Anderson would replace Scholes and Nani would replace Giggs in the long term," said Ferguson. 也许头顶小辫子的南美中路球员安德森还与准备在曼联终老的生姜头还有很大差距。