- The letters page of this newspaper is a forum for public argument. 这份报纸的读者来信栏是公众意见的论坛。
- There was a forum where meetings were held. 那儿曾是集会的场所。
- Nanfeng Forum 南风讲坛
- They are holding a forum on juvenile delinquency. 他们正举行一个有关青少年犯罪的讨论会。
- One who presides over a meeting, forum, or debate. 主持人主持会议,论坛或讨论会的人
- The letters page serves as a useful forum for the exchange of readers' views. 读者来信版是读者们交换意见的有益园地。
- In the forum the tall columns toppled. 广场上高大的柱子倾倒了。
- I believe that this is the key issue of the Forum. 我相信,这个问题正是这次研讨会的要旨所在。
- This forum nonsupport sends out the mail. 本论坛不支持发送邮件。
- Whom would you like us to invite to the forum? 最希望我们邀请谁来参加?
- Speech at a forum on the iron and steel industry. 在钢铁工业座谈会上的讲话。
- And the Ancient Nanfeng Klin is the symbol of fine art. 而南风古灶正是集陶艺之精华的地方。
- Master Huang: Oh, it is a picture of Foshan Ancient Nanfeng Klin . 黄师父:哦,这是南风古灶的照片。
- An interfaith marriage;an interfaith forum. 不同宗教信仰者间的婚姻
- JIANGNAN fruit co.,ltd located in Nanfeng county Jiangxi province. 江南果业有限公司位于风景秀丽的中国江西省南丰县,公司是以种植、包装、经营中国农产品为一体的企业,特色产品南丰贡桔一直远销国内外多个地区,赢得各地人民的青睐与交口称赞。
- The three-day energy forum concluded yesterday. 这项为期三天的能源会议昨天闭幕。
- THERE is a readers' forum in zaobao. 联合早报网附设有读者论坛。
- The Mobile Develope Forum - Powered by Discuz! 移动开发论坛
- I will do my utmost tomake this forum better. 我将尽全力使这个论坛更好。