- Nala lividipesn. 纳蠼螋
- She played the part of Nala, a lion. 在剧中扮演狮子娜拉。
- Simba come down and greets his mother and Nala... 辛巴走下来身他的母亲和娜拉打招呼。
- Nala is shocked to find Simba alive, and she tells Timon and Pumbaa that he is the true king. 娜娜发现辛巴还活着,感到兴奋异常,她告诉丁满和彭彭,辛巴才是真正的国王。
- A female lion, Nala, (Moira Kelly) convinces Simba that it's time to take his place as the rightful king. 在经历了生、死、爱、恨、责任和生命中的种种考验。在周而复始生生不息的自然定律中,体验生命的真谛!
- The lioness flips Simba, and he realizes that she is not just any lioness, but his old friend - Nala. 母狮轻拍辛巴,辛巴意识到这不是别人,而是他的老朋友娜娜。
- Simba: Nala?Simba: Is it really you?Nala: Who are you?Simba: It's me.Simba.Nala: Simba?Whoah! 音标是很重要的知识点,但是由于小学不作重点,所以课堂上也没有很多时间练习。
- Who let the hyenas take over the Pride Lands?What reason did Simba tell Nala for not going back to the Pride Lands? 这类活动要求学生首先要清楚影片中的角色,然后要听懂对白,最后再重新整合所听信息。
- When Simba and Nala are alone, they start to realize the depth of their feelings for each other. 他们俩在独处中,感到了深埋在对方心中的爱慕之情。
- Nala tells Simba of the Pridelands' devastation, and that he must return and reclaim the throne from Scar. 娜娜告诉辛巴荣耀国已经荒芜一片,他必须回去,从刀疤手中夺回本应属于自己的王位。
- As was just a "fashion Basha" awards, the most recent Nala quite happy, but she said their most wanted this year's Best Actress Award or. 由于刚获得一个“时尚芭沙”奖项,令娜拉最近相当开心,不过她称自己今年最想拿的还是最佳女演员奖。
- Nala decides that she needs to flee to the jungle in order to escape Scar's clutches and help find a new land where the lionesses can live in peace. 娜娜为了挣脱刀疤的魔爪,决定逃往丛林地带,寻找一个母狮们能够安全生活的地方。
- In the series Firework, Nala said: When she is young, she believe the answer of life is study hard, love the only man, marry with him and have a baby. 火花游戏里娜拉说:年轻的时候以为生活唯一的答案就是努力读书,只爱一个男人,然后结婚生子。
- The remarkable thing about Nala is how tactfully and earnestly she encourages Simba to regain the throne that is rightly his. 与辛巴青梅竹马长大的小母狮,她早准备跟随辛巴,到任何地方做他们想做的事。
- After Simba meets Nala, He go back to fight with his uncle-Scar who killed Mufasa Simba's father, tricked him and lorded with his new friends Timon and Pumbaa. 当辛巴巧遇上娜娜后,他与新朋友丁满、彭彭回到自己的王国,与他的叔叔刀疤-那个杀了父亲木法沙,欺骗了辛巴并称王的狮子决斗。
- Because makes a movie in the identical film and television city's two different dramatic teams, unexpectedly with spreads the scandal for South Korean beautiful woman's Nala. 因为在同一个影视城的两个不同剧组拍戏,竟然又与同为韩国美女的张娜拉传出绯闻。
- Nala fashion alloy Jewelry &Co., Ltd.A specialized alloy and imitation jewelery manufacturer in China.We guarantee our company's Jewelry is the best quality in China. 本公司是一家以生产高品质合金首饰的龙头企业,核心理念是:设计和制作最符合人体功学的首饰;
- Simba and Nala are friends. 辛巴和娜娜是朋友。
- Simba and Nala are playing. 辛巴和娜娜在玩。
- Where Is Nala? 娜拉在哪里?