- Nakano Shoichi 中野正一(1914-),日本人,实业家。
- How about this? Start with me.I'll sing a song of Nakano Yosiko's called lover. 怎么样了?我先开始。唱一首中野良子的恋人吧。
- And Mr Aso has chosen Shoichi Nakagawa, a potential budget-buster like himself, as finance minister. 麻生还选择了中川昭一来担任财务兼金融大臣,而这位和麻生一样是个潜在的花钱能手。
- Shoichi Nakagawa, the pro-stimulus finance minister, has resigned following erratic behaviour at a meeting in Rome. 中川昭一,日本的财政金融大臣,由于在罗马的一个会议上的失态而辞职。
- Japanese Finance Minister Shoichi Nakagawa said the second week, the central bank must take further measures to deal with the economic recession. 日本财务大臣中川昭一周二表示,央行必须考虑采取进一步措施应对经济衰退。
- J. Zhao, M. Sekine, S. Ushiki, T. Sato, T. Nabeshima, and T. Nakano, “An improved interleaved forward converter,” IEEE PESC, pp. 1-5, Jun. 2006. 林景源,“双变压器主动箝位顺向式与返驰式转换器”,国立台湾科技大学电子工程系博士论文,民国九十六年七月。
- A game developer is cashing in on former Japanese Finance Minister Shoichi Nakagawa who resigned last week following an allegedly drunken appearance at a G7 news conference. 日本前财务大臣中川昭一因不久前在G7峰会的新闻发布会上"醉酒失态",上周辞职。
- Shoichi Nakagawa, a former Japanese finance minister, forced to resign in February after seeming to be drunk at a G7 meeting in Rome, was found dead at his home. 前日本财政大臣中川昭一被发现死于其家中,今年二月份中川昭一曾经因为在罗马举行的G7峰会上有醉酒之态而被迫辞职。
- However, First Secretary Nakayama Shoichi and others generally accepted the Kwangtung Army's position that an effectively independent government should be set up in North China. 然而一等书记官中山详一等人则大致接受关东军的主张,认为应在华北成立一个实质上脱离国民政府控制的政权。
- Nishimura N , oshima H , Nakano M. Urinary trehalase as an early indicator of cadmium2induced renal tubular damage in rabbit [J ] . Arch Toxcol , 1986 , 59 : 2552260. 周敏杰;李惊子;齐慧敏1尿海藻糖酶一近端肾小管细胞损害的标志物[J].;国外医学临床生物化学与检验学分册;2001;22:50-51
- Japanese news reports say Finance Minister, Shoichi Nakagawa, appeared to be drunk at a new conference following the G-7 finance ministers meeting in Rome. 日本新闻报道称,财政部长中川昭一在七国集团财政部长峰会后的新闻发布会上面带醉意。
- Nakano delivered a solid performance to “Fantaisie Impromptu” by Frederic Chopin, hitting a triple flip-double toeloop combination, a triple Lutz and a double Axel. 被寄予夺冠厚望的张丹/张昊在随后出场,与昨天短节目出色的发挥相比,张丹/张昊今天显得并不在状态。
- Shoichi Nakagawa submitted his resignation Tuesday after fellow Cabinet members criticized his behavior and opposition lawmakers filed a censure motion against him. 中川昭一在内阁成员批评其行为,反对派议员提出谴责他的动议后于星期二递交辞呈。
- Nakano Manufacture has mastered precision cutting processing technology, and displays its prowess in manufacturing many kinds of products in small quantities and in the bulk production of similar products. 本公司掌握精密切削加工技术,在多品种小批量和类似多量品方面具有充分优势。
- SHOICHI YANAGIMOTO (JAPAN HEAD COACH): "Prior to the match I thought that if our serve reception was good and effective we could play a close game, but it was not as good as I had expected. SHOICHI YANAGIMOTO(日本主教练):在比赛之前我想如果我们的接发球处理好的话我们就能打一场非常接近的比赛,但是我们今天的接发球没有期望中的好。
- Japanese scholars Oda Tatsuo, Isoba Akira and Nakano Miyoko, etc. have made some pioneering research on who finalized the manuscript of Journey to the West and whether the novel was related to the teachings and Taoist priests of Quanzhen. 摘要日本学者太田辰夫、矶部彰和中野美代子等,在探求《西游记》定稿人与全真教教义及其道士的关系方面,进行了许多开拓性的研究。
- SHOICHI YANAGIMOTO (JAPAN HEAD COACH): "Prior to the match I thought that if our serve reception was good and effective we could play a close game, but it was not as good as I had expected. SHOICHI YANAGIMOTO(日本主教练):在比赛之前我想如果我们的接发球处理好的话我们就能打一场非常接近的比赛,但是我们今天的接发球没有期望中的好。
- September 16, Japan Guangling-cho, Nara Prefecture's one-meter valley's 54-year-old sales director Shoichi Nakagawa at home to commit suicide, before his death he was one of the agents of the Duda Mi. 9月16日,日本奈良县广陵町一米谷销售公司54岁的社长中川昭一在家中自杀,生前他是毒大米的代理商之一。
- September 16, Japan Duda Mi trafficking boss Shoichi Nakagawa suicide, so that formula deep crisis, a lot of people feel: China's lack of a sense of shame culture, moral renewal as a priority. 9月16日,日本贩卖毒大米的老板中川昭一自杀,让深陷奶粉危机的国人感慨良多:中国缺少一种耻感文化,道德重建刻不容缓。
- Studies on the General Characteristics of Polyphenol Oxidase in the Fruit of Trapa Acornis Nakano 南湖菱果中多酚氧化酶一般特性研究