- Nakane Chie 中根千枝(1926-),日本人,女社会学教授。
- And in addition, leading actress Chie Maeda speaks Chinese very well. 另外,主演女演员前田知惠小姐的中文说得很好,非常不错。
- Conclusion It can shorten time of operation and decrease damage that hysterectomy from vagina,so it can make a chie... 结论经阴道手术时间短、损伤小、掌握好手术适应证,可作为全子宫切除手术治疗的主要方法。
- The pact was sealed between Permanent Secretary for Defence Chiang Chie Foo and PLA's Deputy Chief of General Staff, Lieutenant General Ma Xiaotian. 新加坡国防部常任秘书郑子富与中国人民解放军总参谋部副主席中将马晓天共同签署该协议.
- City Heat Island Effect(CHIE) in Guilin exerts special influence to the environment of city because of Guilin located special background of karst geology. 桂林的城市热岛效应(简称CHIE),因桂林所处的特殊岩溶地质背景而对城市环境产生特殊的影响。
- Yanagishita, H.;Nakane, T.;Nozoye, H.;Yoshitome, H., “Preparation of Polyimide Composite Membrane by Chemical Vapor Deposition and Polymerization Technique (CVDP) ”, J.Appl.Polym.Sci., 49, 565(1993). 林美月,”以电泳沉积方式形成聚醯亚胺电子绝缘膜之研究”,国立成功大学化学工程研究所硕士论文,41(2000)。
- Chie Tanaka comes to Taiwan to study Chinese but is unexpectedly cast as the leading actress in a movie.Wu Huai-chung wants to be a filmmaker but he can only find a part-time projectionist job. 来台学习中文的日本女留学生田中千绘,离台前意外获选为一部电影的女主角,面对演员生活带来的庞大压力,她决心逃离台北一天,随机跟著旅游书来到了高雄。
- As a result of interaction between CHIE and karst, it should cause heat-corrosion-earth subsidence, and at the same time make positive effect to hothouse effect of the whole world. CHIE与岩溶的长期相互作用,导致城区地面热蚀沉降,同时会对全球温室效应造成正面影响。
- Assistant Chie of Staff for Reserve Components 负责后备役部队的助理参谋长
- Nakane Shizuo 中根镇夫(1925-),日本人,官员。
- Nakane Masao 中根正雄(1922-),日本人,官员。
- Nakane Ryōhei 中根良平(1921-),日本人,化学家。
- Nakane Saburō 中根三郎(1931-),日本人,警官。
- Nakane Shinichi 中根新一(1926-),日本人,陆军军官。
- Nakane Hisao 中根寿雄(1907-),日本人,律师。
- Nakane Chōkichi 中根千吉(1905-),日本人,实业家。
- Nakane 中根
- Chiang Chie Foo 郑子富
- Hang Chang Chie 康长杰