- 万尼瓦尔·布什(Vannevar Bush,1890-1974)以美国“大科学的先驱”而闻名于世。Vannevar Bush (1890 - 1974) is well known as the "farther of big science" in United States.
- 他(1974)对这个问题进行过剖析。He(1974)examined this question.
- 爱丁堡的城市郊区化问题研究(1767-1890)On the Suburbanization of Edinburgh (1767-1890)
- 1974的,基辛格与南希·马金尼斯结婚。In 1974, Kissinger married Nance Markenice.
- 从1890到1920年,是社会福音运动达到成熟的年代。The year from 1890 to 1920 saw the social gospel come of age.
- 下列的提要大部分是根据Namkoong(1974)的分析。The following summary is based largely on Namkoong's (1974) analysis.
- 把从1至n之间的数连写成一个十进数,总位数是1890。When the number from 1 to n are written in decimal notation the total number of digits is 1890.
- 把从1至n之间的数连写成一个十进数,总位数是1890。When the number from 1 to n are written in decimal notation the total number of digits is 1890.
- 杰克逊先生退休时得到一块刻有自己姓名及工作年限(1924-1974)的金表。When Mr Jackson retired he was presented with a gold watch in which his name and dates of his service (1924-1974) were inscribed.
- 《所有的现代便利:美国家庭管道系统》,1840-1890。约翰·霍普金斯大学出版社,1996。Ogle, Maureen. All the Modern Conveniences: American Household Plumbing, 1840-1890. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.
- 由Cody(1974)介绍的方法,作者在表2和图3中制作了群落矩阵和树杈状图。The community matrix and dendrogram were also made by Cody (1974) methods in table 2. and fig.
- 《培育的商业化:伊利诺伊州的杂交玉米1890-1940》。康耐尔大学出版社,1990。Fitzgerald, Deborah K. The Business of Breeding: Hybrid Corn in Illinois 1890-1940. Cornell University Press, 1990.
- 指挥了诺曼底登陆和打败纳粹德国战役的联盟远征军的最高指挥官;美国第34届总统(1890-1961)。as Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force he supervised the invasion of Normandy and the defeat of Nazi Germany; 34th President of the United States (1890-1961).
- 在1974和1975之间,钱补给继续增加但是在一个较非常慢的速度超过价格水平正在升起。Between 1974 and 1975, the money supply continued to increase but at a much slower pace than the price level was rising.
- 凯瑟琳·安·波特(1890-1980)是二十世纪美国南方文坛一位杰出的女作家。Katherine Anne Porter (1890-1980) ranks among the most celebrated southern writers of the 20 century American literature.
- 萨瑟兰,小厄尔 威尔伯1915-1974美国生理学家,因其对荷尔蒙功能的研究而获1971年诺贝尔奖American physiologist. He won a1971 Nobel Prize for research on the function of hormones.
- 这种寄生生物在1890年代从墨西哥进入美国,并且在1915年扩散到阿拉巴马州的东南部。The parasite entered the United States via Mexico in the 1890s, and reached southeastern Alabama in 1915.
- 1974的石油危机导致了世界对发展可再生能源的兴趣。太阳能、地热和核能将在未来的岁月中发挥更大的作用。The oil crisis of 1974 has led to the world's interest in the development of renewable resourses.Solar, geothermal and nuclear energy will play a greater role in the years to come.
- 指挥了诺曼底登陆和打败纳粹德国战役的联盟远征军的最高指挥官,美国第34届总统(1890-1961)。As Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force he supervised the invasion of Normandy and the defeat of Nazi Germany,34th President of the United States (1890-1961).