- Nakagawa Yukio 仲川幸男(1916-),日本人,参议员。
- Mr Nakagawa thinks the distinction does matter. 中川认为这其中的差别很重要。
- A hybrid approach to word segmentation and pos tagging ACL poster Nakagawa, T. 第一层基于字信息分词;
- "Chunxue" by Yukio Mishima was called the maximum effort for the masterpiece "The Sea of Fertility" the first series. “春雪”为三岛由纪夫被称为最高杰作的遗作“丰饶之海”系列的第一部。
- The man who will bring the LDP's rule to an end this summer is Hatoyama's grandson, Yukio Hatoyama, leader of the DPJ. 而这个夏天结束LDP执政的人就是鸠山一郎的孙子,DPJ的领袖,鸠山由纪夫。
- "Only a foreigner could make such changes, " says Yukio Noguchi, an economist at the University of Tokyo. 只有外国人才会进行这种变革,东京大学经济学家野口幸雄说。
- The government's handling of the economy has resembled Mr Nakagawa's slurred performance. 日本政府处理经济的表现类似于中川先生的醉态。
- Tufted angioma (known in Japanese literature as angioblastoma of Nakagawa) is an uncommon vascular tumor. 摘要簇集样血管瘤(在日本文献又称中川氏血管母细胞瘤)为一罕见皮肤血管疾患。
- Secondly, some critics consider Yukio Mishima’s writing purpose lies in “a reform to the sense of beauty”. 其次,就这部“观念小说”,一般认为作家创作的“明确目的”为“美意识的改革”。
- And Mr Aso has chosen Shoichi Nakagawa, a potential budget-buster like himself, as finance minister. 麻生还选择了中川昭一来担任财务兼金融大臣,而这位和麻生一样是个潜在的花钱能手。
- Shoichi Nakagawa, the pro-stimulus finance minister, has resigned following erratic behaviour at a meeting in Rome. 中川昭一,日本的财政金融大臣,由于在罗马的一个会议上的失态而辞职。
- Mr Nakagawa, forced to resign a few days later, blamed his apparent drunkenness on “cold medicine”. 被迫于数日后辞职的中川先生将他的醉态归咎于吃了“感冒药”。
- Nakagawa blamed the effect of cold medicine, taken with a bit of wine over lunch. 中川昭一对此解释称,这是因为他午餐时就着葡萄酒服用了感冒药。
- Even in a large number of Yukio Mishima's works, his artistry has also been very high rating, the translation was spread around the world. 即使在三岛由纪夫为数众多的作品中,其艺术性亦得到极高评价,被世界各国翻译流传。
- The MoF’s Nakagawa said he is “keenly watching” currency markets and has “the means” to limit the Yen’s advance. 财政部的中川昭一表示,他将“密切关注”货币市场,并称财政部拥有限制日元升值的“对策”。
- Sang WB,Daisuke I,Yukio K,et al.Production of new intergeneric hybrids between raphanus sativus and Brassica wild species[J]. 王国槐;官春云;陈社员;等.;十字花科芸薹属种间杂种营养优势的利用研究[J]
- This thesis focuses on the “the beauty of colors and their descriptions” in the analysis of Yukio Mishima’s particular way of writing. 在对“创作手法上的美”的分析中,笔者着重从“色彩及其描写手法之美”这一视点对作品进行了分析。
- In Japan, author Yukio Mishima and two compatriots commit ritualistic suicide after failing to sway public opinion during an unsuccessful coup attempt. 年,日本作家三岛由纪夫在政变失败后,同两名同胞剖腹自尽。
- Japan's parliament has elected Yukio Hatoyama prime minister, handing power to an untested government that faces tough economic and social challenges. 日本议会选举鸠山由纪夫为新首相,将权力传授给一个未经任何磨练并面临严峻经济、社会问题的新政府。
- Japan financial minister the concurrently finance took on Minister Shouichi Nakagawa to announce this statement at same day's press conference. 日本财务大臣兼金融担当大臣中川昭一在当天的新闻发布会上公布了这项声明。