- 隆美尔,E.J.E.(1891-1944)Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel (1891~1944)
- 肯塔尔,A.T.de(1842-1891)Antero Targuinio de Quental (1842~1891)
- 我是1978 年6 月1 日出生的。I was born on June the first, nineteen seventy-eight.
- 他是牛津大学1978届毕业生。He was [has been] graduated from Oxford in the class of 1978.
- 关于《汉英词典》(1978)的思考The chinese-English Dictionary of 1978 viewed in retrospect
- 班廷,弗雷德里克·格朗1891-1941加拿大生理学家。因发现了胰岛素而获1923年诺贝尔奖Canadian physiologist. He shared a1923 Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin.
- GB/T1417-1978常用电信设备名词术语General terminology for telecommunications equipment
- 班廷,弗雷德里克 格朗1891-1941加拿大生理学家。因发现了胰岛素而获1923年诺贝尔奖Canadian physiologist.He shared a1923Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin.
- 1978/79年度欧洲的棉花消费量可能略有增长。Consumption in Europe could improve slightly in 1978/79.
- 内尔维,皮尔·卢伊戈1891-1979意大利建筑师和钢筋混凝土装饰用途方面的开拓者Italian architect and pioneer in the decorative use of reinforced concrete.
- 据中国海关统计,今年1-7月,我国共完成进出口总额1891.1亿美元,比去年同期(下同)增长5.4%。According to the statistics of the Chinese Customs,China's import and export totalled 189.11 billion US dollars between January and July of this year,increasing by 5.4%25 as compared to the corresponding period of last year (similarly hereafter).
- ,,,,,(芬妮和亚历山大>,,(1978)及(1993)等。""Dancing with the Wolves", "The Lion King", "Forest Gump':, "the Fugative", "Journey of Hope", "Fancy Och alexander", "the Jurassic Park", "The Deer Hunter"(1978), "Schindier' s List"(1993) etc."
- 据中国海关统计,今年1--7月,我国共完成进出口总额1891.1亿美元,比去年同期(下同)增长5.4%。According to the statistics of the Chinese Customs, China' s import and export totalled 189.11 billion US dollars between January and July of this year, increasing by 5.4%25 as compared to the corresponding period of last year (similarly hereafter).
- 1978口译法将应用于这个协议,同时也适合于一个这个制定。The Interpretation Act 1978 shall apply to this Agreement in the same way as it applies to an enactment.
- 洛,戴维 亚历山大 西尔1891-1963英国政治漫画家,他创造了傲慢的布林普上校这个极端保守分子形象British political cartoonist who created the pompous Colonel Blimp.
- 卢卡斯 (1978)的模型表现出了许多资本资产定价模型的共有特征。Lucas? model exhibits the features share by a variety of capital asset-pricing models.
- 洛,戴维·亚历山大·西尔1891-1963英国政治漫画家,他创造了傲慢的布林普上校这个极端保守分子形象British political cartoonist who created the pompous Colonel Blimp.
- 现在的这支阿根廷队完全可以和1978和1986年的那两支阿根廷冠军队相媲美。This Argentinian team may rival the World Cup-winning squads of 1978 and 1986.
- 普罗科菲耶夫,谢尔盖 谢尔盖耶维奇1891-1953俄罗斯作曲家,他的作品包括芭蕾、歌剧和童话交响乐彼得与狼(1936年)Russian composer whose works include ballets, operas, and the symphonic fairy tale Peter and the Wolf(1936).
- 生于1978的白羊,典型白羊座性格,长于安徽合肥,一座想起她就让人内心温暖的小城。Born in 1978, a typical Aris ppl from Hefei, a small city in Anhui Province, which always makes me feel warm in heart even by thinking of her.