- Mr. Smith, late of the UN Secretariat. 以前在联合国秘书处服务过的史密斯先生。
- Oh, no. I am gonna get call on ... help! 哦!糟糕,马上就要点到我,救救我!
- In "under", the main stress is on "un". 在“under”这个词中,重读音节在“un”上。
- What do the letters UN stand for? 字母UN代表什么?
- The organization is backed by the UN. 这机构得到联合国的资助。
- Looks like I am gonna have to buy a winter suit, too. 看来我也得去买一套冬季西装。
- Because she was an acrobat when she was yong. 因为她年轻时是个杂技演员。
- Fu Yong, OTC director of Roche in China. 罗氏大众药品部(中国)总监傅勇先生表示。
- I wonder when they are gonna give me a raise. 不晓得他们什么时候才会给我加薪?
- Liu Yong was a native of Wuyi Mountain. 柳永就是武夷山人。
- Very good. Yong man. You have a point there. 很好,年轻人,你说的有道理。
- Who am I gonna bum some money from next ? 我下一个该向谁借钱呢?
- The Narrative Strategy of Jin Yong's Nov. 金庸小说的叙事策略;
- How can I find out more about the UN? 我怎样才能更多地了解联合国?
- Come weal, come woe, we care na by. 不管来的是福是祸,我们都不在乎。
- What is the UN doing to fight terrorism? 联合国如何打击恐怖主义?
- Who say book sheng hundred no one yong! 谁说书生百无一用!
- My uncle is gonna bankroll this venture. 我的叔叔准备向这个冒险事业投资。
- Mr. Jin Yong is a household name in China! 金庸先生在中国可真是家喻户晓啊!
- What is the UN doing to protect the environment? 联合国为保护环境在做些什么?