- NE Sichuan basin 四川盆地东北部
- My hometown is a county at the edge of Sichuan Basin. 我的家乡是四川盆地边缘的一个县。
- Might Origin of Natural Gas Hydrate Reveal the Source of Natural Gas in Sichuan Basin? 从天然气水合物的角度看四川盆地的天然气来源?
- The cities with the highest RI are located in the North China Plain, the southeastern coastland and Sichuan basin. 高值主要集中于华北平原、东南沿海和四川盆地等地区的地市。
- For the Pingluoba boracic brine in Sichuan basin,the utilization project,which should be based on the e. 结合近年我国发现的钠硼解石固体硼矿藏以及含硼卤水资源的特点,对新型硼资源的加工利用进行了预测。
- From this it is concluded that we should search for liquid potash salt in Sichuan basin. 面对这一现实,理顺和拓宽四川找钾思路,勘查开发液态钾盐,是四川找钾的新方向。
- Typical cropping rotation in Sichuan Basin is midrice-winter crop (wheat, canola, broad bean). 四川盆地代表性的种植制度是中稻-冬作物(小麦、油菜、蚕豆)一年两熟。
- The whole Sichuan basin has developmental sedimentary covers and is deficient in only Devonian deposits above Sinian. 整个四川盆地沉积盖层发育,震旦系之上仅缺失泥盆纪沉积。
- It is shown that the lithospheric temperature is high in Sanjiang region, while low in Sichuan Basin. 结果表明,整个三江地区岩石层温度较高,而四川盆地温度较低;
- The high and steep structures in east Sichuan, located in east Sichuan Basin, are composed of ejective folds. 其构造变形经历了由隔槽式褶皱到“两背一断”,最终形成隔挡式褶皱的演化过程。
- The secondary dolomite and paleokarst of the Lower Permian Series in Sichuan Basin is one of the important atectonic reserviors in the basin. 四川盆地下二叠统中次生白云岩及古岩溶是下二叠统主要的非构造圈闭储层之一。
- Triassic evaporite series in Sichuan basin contains high amounts of carbonate components made up of calcite, dolomite as well as of rich magnesite. 四川盆地三叠纪蒸发岩系普遍含碳酸盐组分,除方解石、白云石外,常出现大量菱镁矿。
- The configuration and the height of the plateau were very necessary for the maintenance of the SW vortex at Sichuan Basin on 700 hpa. As a result. 高原地形构形对西南涡在四川盆地700hPa维持非常必要。
- The logging and seismic information characteristics of Carboniferous gas reservoir in Sapingchang area in east Sichuan basin. 四川盆地东部沙坪场石炭系天然气藏的测井、地震信息特征
- The characteristics and seasonal changes of the aerosol optical depth (AOD) distribution of the Sichuan Basin from MODIS products are analyzed. 利用MODIS卫星遥感光学厚度产品,分析了四川盆地光学厚度分布和季节变化特征。
- In recent years, the oolitic shoal gas reservoir in the Feixianguan Formation in northeastern Sichuan basin is an important exploration target. 摘要四川盆地东北地区飞仙关组的鲕滩气藏是该盆地最近的勘探重点。
- The source-reservoir-cap assemblages of YB block are very good and so the area is a beneficial one for exploration in BZ, northeast Sichuan basin. 摘要川东北BZ地区YB区块的生储盖配置好,是油气勘探的有利区域。
- It usually induce rain storm or thunderstorm on large scale in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River(especially in Sichuan basin) even in the eas... 反之表现为“吸”的效应时,有利于边界层以上的高原低涡的加强。
- Natural gas mainly accumulated in oolite beach sedimentary facies of carbonate platform edge around Guangliang trough in Sichuan Basin. 天然气主要富集于广梁海槽两侧台地边缘鲕粒滩相区。
- There found 104 seismic anomalies of oolite beach in the eastern Sichuan Basin using the recognition mode of seismic anomaly of oolite beach. 利用鲕粒滩地震异常识别模式,在盆地东部已发现104个鲕粒滩地震异常,为进一步勘探提供了新的目标。