- NATO Oil Crisis Contingent 北约石油危机处置代表团
- The recession trod on the heels of the oil crisis. 经济萧条紧随着石油危机而来。
- Volume was going to hell due to the international oil crisis. 由于国际石油危机致使我们的销售情况很糟糕。
- A new Gulf conflict could edge the world toward an oil crisis. 一次新的海湾冲突将使世界面临石油危机。
- That was many years ago before the first Middle East oil crisis. 那是许多年前第一次中东石油危机还没发生的时候。
- Pakistani fire fighters try to extinguish burning NATO oil supply tankers after a blast on the outskirts of Peshawar. 巴基斯坦消防人员试图在市郊的白沙瓦扑灭燃烧供应油轮发生爆炸后的北约石油。
- Stock price went down in response to the news of a possible oil crisis. 股票价格下跌是对潜在的石油危机的响应。
- According to officials, unidentified men fired rockets at the containers and NATO oil tankers in Chaman area of Pak-Afghan border Sunday evening, setting vehicles on blaze. 据官方消息称,补给车和北约的油罐车在到达巴阿边境城镇杰曼时遭到一群不明身份男子发射的火箭弹袭击,导致车辆起火。
- The papers are playing up the oil crises again . 各报又在大肆渲染石油危机了。
- The papers are playing up the oil crises again. 各报又在大肆渲染石油危机了。
- The Oil Crisis of 1973 brought the many years of rapid economic growth to a halt. 1973年的石油危机使多年快速的经济成长开始出现停滞。
- When the Suez Canal struggle broke out in 1956, Britain soon faced an oil crisis. 1956年苏伊士运河斗争爆发后不久,英国就面临一场石油危机。
- The 1973-1974 oil crisis is said to have been due to the cutoff of oil following the Arab-Israeli Yom Kippur War. 1973-1974年的石油危机据说是因为阿拉伯-以色列赎罪日战争之后的石油停产。
- The concept of the modern green building ?rst appeared in the seventies after the oil crisis. 现代绿建筑的概念是从七十年代的石油危机后开始产生。
- The fall will exceed the drop in the 1981 recession that followed the oil crisis. 此次排放量下降将超过1981年石油危机过后经济衰退期间的降幅。
- To some geologists, the world is heading toward an oil crisis of historic proportions. 对某些地质学家而言,世界正面临前所未有的石油危机。
- A coal miners'strike and an oil crisis plunged the country into darkness. Voters blamed Ted Heath and voted the Conservatives out of office. 煤矿工人罢工和石油危机时英国陷入了黑暗之中。选民们归咎于Ted Heath并把保守党赶出了政府。
- They also gazed on helplessly at the subjugation of humanity by corrupt world leaders and encroaching environmental, climate change, oil crisis, etc. 他们还无力地关注着邪恶的世界领袖导致的人性的屈从以及环境问题、气候变化、石油危机等等。
- The oil crisis in Venezuela and the crash of the Argentinean peso sparked recessions that inhibited wealth generation there. 委内瑞拉的石油工业危机以及阿根廷比索的暴跌导致这两个国家陷入衰退,从而抑制了财富增长。
- Our Embassy was devastated by three bombs of NATO. 我们的使馆被北约的三枚炸弹炸毁了。