- N G [no good] 不理想
- It is no good asking her for a date. 要求和她定个约会也没有用。
- He was branded as no good and fired. 他被看作是不中用的人而被解雇了。
- That loose woman will come to no good. 那荡妇不会有好下场的。
- L o a d i n g P l e a s e W a i t . . . . 我没用过这个东西,飞车才玩几天了。。。。不知道你说的那个挂好不好用,我今天下载了一个,可是打不开!
- It is no good hoping for other's help. 期待别人的帮助是不行的。
- O O N S O N G S I A M L A N D C O., L T D. 我们公司销售泰国茉莉香米和白色大米,请感兴趣的中国进口商和代理商和我们联系。
- As the case stands, this plan is no good. 这个计划实际上一无是处。
- W i n t e r i s c o m i n g . . . 怎样才可以吸引更新人下载东西呢?
- It's no good getting cross with him. 和他生气没有用。
- Mary hardened her heart. It was no good being kind to Miss Jerome. 玛丽硬起了心肠,因为对杰罗姆小姐心软是没有好处的。
- O u t l o o k E x p r e s s N e t M e e t i n g F T P . 以下那一种不是电子邮件系统可提供的功能收发邮件夹带附件转送邮件聊天.
- Don't go around with that gang or you'll come to no good! 别跟那伙人厮混在一起,否则绝没有好下场。
- It's no good; you can't get round the issue by making excuses. 这样是没有用的; 你不能制造借口回避这个问题。
- If there were no bad people, there would be no good lawyer. 假如没有坏人,就不会有好律师。
- All his riches are of no good to him if he is so ill. 如果他身体这么糟,那么他的所有财富对他毫无用处。
- T o d a y i s t h e f i r s t d a y o f m y r e m a i n i n g l i f e . 我也想照你的红色芭比!结果被我妈妈死拖硬拽地去照了那个白色的像芭蕾舞的一样。。
- The King who is f u c k i n g is the son of the King who has f u c k e d. 诸位网友,这是一句相当绝妙的英语,哈哈,翻一下吧。哈哈哈哈哈哈。
- Bottled lemon juice is no good you must use the real thing. 瓶装柠檬汁可不行--你得用真货。
- Avoid any man who deals in micrograms, for he's up to no good. 别理睬那种斤斤计较的人,这种人没安好心。