- Myosoton aquaticumn. 鹅肠菜
- Myriophyllum aquaticum (Vell.) Verdc. 粉绿狐尾藻
- An aquatic plant (Orontium aquaticum) of the eastern United States, having a clublike, golden-yellow spadix, small blue-green berries, and floating leaves. 奥昂蒂:美国东部一种水栖植物(奥昂蒂奥昂蒂属),有棍状、金黄色佛焰花序,蓝绿色浆果和浮叶
- Studiy on Chemical Constituents of Malachium aquaticum (L.)Fries 牛繁缕的化学成分研究
- [Cerastium aquaticum L.;Stellaria aquaticaarta (L.) Scop.; 拉丁植物动物矿物名 Myosoton aquaticum Moench.
- [Cerastium aquaticum L.;Stellaria aquaticaarta Scop.; 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Myosoton aquaticum Moench.
- 1. An aquatic plant (Orontium aquaticum) of the eastern United States, having a clublike, golden-yellow spadix, small blue-green berries, and floating leaves. 奥昂蒂:美国东部一种水栖植物(奥昂蒂奥昂蒂属),有棍状、金黄色佛焰花序,蓝绿色浆果和浮叶
- Myosotonn. 鹅肠菜属
- Eryngium aquaticum [医] 水生刺芹
- Malachium aquaticum 牛繁缕
- Malachium aquaticum (L.) Fries 牛繁缕
- Corynebacterium aquaticum 水生棒状杆菌
- Rhacomitrium aquaticum 水砂藓