- My grandparents have a pension. 我祖父母有退休金。
- I have a wild time at a pension . 在公寓狂欢。
- I have a wild time at a pension. 在公寓狂欢。
- I only knew one of my grandparents had died long before I was born. 我只知道我祖父母中的一位在我出生之前很久就去世了。
- I got this special name from my grandparents because they wanted me to have a bright future. 我爷爷和奶奶给我起的这个特别的名字。因为,他们希望我有一个光辉的未来。
- In front of so much pressure from outside,my grandparents had no idea but persuaded aunty to accept the marriage arranged by the matchmaker. 在外界如此沉重的压力面前,祖父母没有办法只能劝伯母接受这段由媒人撮合的婚姻。
- My grandparents have true love. 我的祖父母真心相爱。
- I have a small pension, on top of my salary. 除工薪之外,我还有少量的津贴。
- If my grandparent has ADPKD but my parent does not, can I get it? 祖父辈患有ADPKD,父辈则无,遗传机率几何?
- Remember that our family has a large heatable adobe sleeping platform, North House, I and my grandparents slept in it. 记得当时我们家北屋有一个大土炕,我和爷爷奶奶就睡在上面。
- My grandparents live in a small village. 我的祖父母住在一个小山村里。
- My grandparents got burned in a con game. 我的祖父母曾上过骗子的当。
- I have vivid memories of my grandparents. 我依然清楚地记得我的祖父母。
- I visit my grandparents four times a month. 我一个月去看望祖父母四次。
- I have a small pension,on top of my salary. 除工薪之外,我还有少量的津贴。
- A Yes, my grandparents live there too. 是的,我的祖父母也住在那里。
- When my grandparents moved from Bodcaw, which had a population of about a hundred, to the metropolis Hope, Papaw worked for an icehouse delivering ice on a horse-drawn wagon. 当外祖父母搬离只有百来人的博德科镇,来到大市镇霍普镇时,外公在一家制冰厂找了份活儿,赶马车送冰。
- I often see my grandparents strolling happily arm in arm. 我常常看见我的爷爷奶奶臂挽着臂愉快地散步。
- My grandparents lived in a small cottage. 我祖父母住在小农舍里。
- This place doesn't have a very savory reputation. 这个地方的名声可不太好。