- My sister has two toothbrushes. 我妹妹有两把牙刷。
- My sister has been engaged for two months. 我的妹妹已经订婚两个月了。
- My sister has been preaching at me again about my lack of neatness. 我姐姐再次教训我,说我不知道整洁。
- My sister has a talent for music. 我妹妹有音乐天赋。
- My sister has a flair for languages. 我妹妹有语言天才。
- My sister has been engaged for more than one year. 我妹妹(或姐姐)已订婚一年多了。
- My sister has finished her middle school course. 我妹妹完成了中学学业。
- My sister has passed through here, Rodolph thought. 我姐姐曾经在这儿进出,鲁道夫想。
- My sister hasn't read this novel yet. 我的姊姊还没有读过这本小说。
- My sister has a little purse made of soft leather. 我妹妹有一个小巧的软皮钱夹。
- My sister has a defense like this: "What is genius? 我的姐姐有一辩词是这样的:“天才是什么?
- My sister has three pens, but I have one pen. 我姐姐有三枝笔,可是我只有一枝笔。
- My sister has passed through here, Rudolph thought. 我姐姐曾经在这儿进出,鲁道夫想。
- My sister has lost her heart to that handsome young doctor. 我姐姐爱上了那位年轻英俊的医生。
- My sister in law has two husbands, my mother in law also has two husbands," Indira says. 我弟妹有两个老公,我婆婆也有两个老公。”
- My sister has been preaching at me again about my bad behaviour. 我的姊姊又在喋喋不休地劝诫我注意自己的不良行为了。
- My sister hasn't arrived yet,but she may be on the way. 我姐姐还没来,但她可能在途中。
- My sister has been on a kick since she graduated from college. 我妹妹自从大学毕业以来一直就迷恋于一件事。
- I see that two toothbrushes are on the tableware frame. 我看见了两把牙刷在餐具架上。
- My sister had her eyebrows plucked. 我姐姐修眉了。