- My patience has been exhausted. 我已忍耐到极点了。
- My patience has been greatly reinforced, dating back I wasn't able to bear a 24-hour-newsless from her.Now I am okay. 看来我的忍受力还是大有长进,想想原来,24小时分隔对我就是无可忍耐了。
- Now my patience has reached its end! 我受够了!
- Our patience has been taxed to the limit. 我们忍耐到了极点。
- Your shipments have been getting a little fat. And my patience is getting thin. 你贩的量有点大了。我对你的耐性也降低了。
- The last edition has been exhausted. 最新版已销售一空。
- All our stock has been exhausted. 存货告罄
- By this time my patience was exhausted, because I was in a hurry to start taking my engine apart. So I tossed off this drawing, the box. 这次,我的耐心被用光了。我急于要检修我的发动机。所以我匆匆地画了一幅画,一个箱子。
- Our patience has been taxed to the limit by his insolence. 我们对他的蛮横已经忍无可忍。
- I have been exhausted after only a set. 盘打过之后,我已筋疲力尽。
- Our patience has been taxed with reaching its limit by his insolence. 我们对他的蛮横已经忍无可忍了。
- My patience is pretty well exhausted. 我几乎忍无可忍。
- The major argument for patience has been the inevitability of reform. 保持耐性的主要论据,乃是改革势不可免。
- All possible ways have been tried. or All possibilities have been exhausted. 法子都想绝了。
- My patience has run out. 我已失去耐心。
- The possibilities of a diplomatic settlement had been exhausted. 可能用外交方式来解决的那些方法都一一试过了。
- Prudence and patience have been the buzzwords, officials say, at a time when tempers have been running high. 政府官员表示,在投资热情高涨的时候,谨慎和耐心是关键。
- His rudeness was beyond my patience. 他的粗暴使我无法忍受。
- Having been exhausted by the journey, Mary sat down by the side of a river. 玛丽走累了,她在河边坐了下来。
- I must tell you that his patience has its limit. 我必须告诉你,他的耐心是有限的。