- My new school is crappy. 我得学校很烂。
- My new school is total drag! 我的新学校实在是非常得无聊。
- The new school is still under construction. 新学校还在建造中。
- I felt out of place at my new school. 在新学校,我觉得很不自在。
- I desperately tried to fit in my new school. 我很希望能融入新学校,成为其中的一份子。
- Our new school is four times as big as the old ne. 我们的新学校是老学校的四倍大。
- The packet for my new school tights was in the rubbish bin. 我新的校服紧身衣的包装在垃圾箱里。
- The opening of a new school is always a great occasion. 新学校的启用仪式总会有盛大的场面。
- Work on the new school is going forward at a satisfactory pace. 新学校的工作正以令人满意的速度进行。
- My new school was a welcome contrast to the one before. 我的新学校比以前的好多了
- My new life at school is filling my emptiness, but my life at home with Nelson is falling apart. 我们在学校的新生活填补着我的空虚,但我与纳尔逊的家庭生活却在破裂。
- My new life at school is filling my emptiness,but my life at home with Nelson is falling apart. 我们在学校的新生活填补着我的空虚,但我与纳尔逊的家庭生活却在破裂。
- A lot of the kids at my new school were from council estates and I was seen as posh. 新学校的很大一部分孩子是地方官员的孩子,当时在我看来,他们就高我一等。
- My new car is just the cats whiskers. 我的新车真是好极了。
- I have already checked out my new school, Worthington Kilbourne High School which is kind of far from where i live although it is in Worthington. 天天和我的好朋友在一起,他们总是跟我说什么帅哥美女的,我去,我很惊讶,我被他们影响了很多。我迷失了自我了么?虽然不敢承认,但从某种程度上是的。
- My new teacher is a very gentle person. 我的新老师是一个温文尔雅的人。
- The project to establish a new school is a dead duck-there's no money. 要建一所新学校的计划告吹了,没有资金。
- My new house is on the sixth floor. 我的新房子在六楼。
- My attendance at school is excellent. 我在学校的出席情况极好。
- The busy road outside the school is a menace. 学校外面那条车水马龙的大道是个危险之地。