- No wonder my leg still hurt so bad from last week workout. 怪不得自从上周做了测试后;我的腿一直在疼呢.
- Warm up If you don't warm up befor exercising, you will hurt youself. No wonder my leg still hurt so bad from last week workout. 如果你运动前不做热身运动,你会容易受伤的。怪不得自从上周做了测试后,我的腿一直在疼呢。
- No wonder my legs still hurts so bad from last week workout. 怪不得自从上周做了测试后;我的腿一直在疼呢.
- My leg still hurts. 我的腿还在痛。
- B: No wonder my legs still hurt so bad from last week's workout. 难怪从上星期健身之后,我的腿到现在都还痛得要死。
- No wonder my legs still hurt so bad from last week's workout. 难怪从我上周健身到现在我的腿疼得厉害。
- Does your leg still hurt(you)? 你的腿还疼吗?
- My leg is still very tender where it was bruised. 我腿上碰伤的部位仍有触痛。
- I've come for the mine frequency. I need to get back to Assisus through this rabbit warren with both my legs still intact. 我是来找探雷器的。我必须从这个地方出去,我不能炸断了双腿回奥斯思司那儿去。
- I've come for the mine frequency. I need to get back to Azizus through this rabbit warren with both my legs still intact. 我是来找探雷器的。我可不能缺胳膊断腿地从这个破地方回Azizus那儿去。
- My leg hurts and my arm hurts, too. 我腿疼,胳膊也疼。
- I showed the doctor where my leg hurt. 我给医生看腿伤的地方。
- I could feel the cat rubbing up against my leg. 我感到了猫在我的腿上蹭来蹭去。
- The pain shot through my leg from my hurt toe. 从我受伤的脚趾,我感到一阵剧痛穿过我的大腿。
- She pinched my arm hard, and it still hurts. 她使劲拧我的胳膊,现在还疼着呢。
- The pain shot through my leg from my hurt toe . 从我受伤的脚趾,我感到一阵剧痛穿过我的大腿。
- The cat rubbed its back against my leg. 猫用背擦我的腿。
- Not bad. My arm still hurts, but I can use it. See? 不错。我的手臂仍然有伤,但我还能动。看见了吗?
- The nurse wound a bandage around my leg. 护士用绷带包扎我的腿。
- I had a nasty swelling on my leg. 我的腿上有一讨厌的肿块。