- My hands feel dead with cold. 我的手冻得麻木了。
- My hands are benumbed with cold. 我的手冻僵了。
- My hands and feet are numb with cold. 我的手脚都冻麻木了。
- Take my hand so we can put all this behind us. Does not a warm hand feel better than a cold shark? 握手言和,把以前的一切一笔勾销,温暖的手不比冷酷的人好得多嘛?
- My hands felt just like two balloons. 我的双手感觉就像两个气球。
- A countryman returning home one winter's day, found a snake by the hedge-side, half dead with cold. 一个寒冷的冬天.有个农夫在回家的路上,看见栅栏旁边有一条冻僵了的蛇。
- It's so cold outside that my finger feel dead. 外面太冷,我的手指都冻僵了。
- It's so cold outside that my fingers feel dead. 外面太冷,我的手指都冻僵了。
- I dry my hands and face with the towel. 我用毛巾擦干了双手和面部。
- Your hands feel cold against my skin. 你的手碰到我的皮肤感觉很冰。
- This is a nice hand cream; I keep this at my desk at work. I like that it's unscented and absorbs well, and leaves my hands feeling soft. 很棒的护手,用过后很柔软,虽然说无香,但是还是有宜人的清香。吸收对我来说有点慢哦,不过换个角度看,持久力很不错。
- The girl stood shivering with cold on the doorstep. 那姑娘站在门前的台阶上,冷得直打哆嗦。
- Sometimes I feel time hangs heavy on my hands. 有时候我感到时间难以打发。
- When I was a child, I had a fever. My hands felt just like two balloons. Now, I got that feeling once again. I can't explain, you would not understand. 当我还是孩子时,我曾有一次发烧。我的手感觉就像是两个气球。现在,我又有那种感觉。我不能解释,你不会理解。
- If your fingers get very cold, they feel dead. 你的手指如果冷得过份,它们会失去知觉。
- I hit the table with the flat of my hand. 我用手掌击桌。
- My face turns dead with boredom. 我终因无聊厌烦,憋得面呈死色。
- I couldn't do anything with the children on my hands. 带着要照管的孩子们我什么也不能做。
- He was pinched with cold and hunger. 他饥寒交迫。
- Can you do with cold meat for dinner? 晚饭吃点冷肉怎么样?