- My engine stalled. 我的发动机发动不起来了。
- What if my engine starts to whine? 要是我的发动机拉缸了怎么办?
- Wait a minute. Let me turn off my engine. 等一下。我关掉发动机。
- Something was broken in my engine. 我的发动机里有个东西损坏了。
- As the engine stalled on the highway,I had to call 110 for emergency. 由于引擎在高速公路上 熄火;我只好打110紧急 求助.
- Sakon Yamamoto didn't get round the first lap after his engine stalled. 山本左近在他的引擎停转之后没有完成自己的第一圈。
- My engine tends to overheat on a hot day like this. 我的引擎在这种熟天里常会湿度过高。
- His car's engine stalls several times. 几次抛锚
- A control module determines a launch torque based on a throttle position and an engine speed to achieve a target engine stall speed. 控制模块根据节气门位置和发动机速度来确定发动转矩以便获得目标发动机失速速度。
- I have my engineer accompanying me on the trip. 这次本公司的工程师也陪我一块儿来了。
- The engine stalled. 这引擎不动了。
- My engine's been sounding roughever since I started using unleaded fuel. 我用了无铅燃料之后,发动机声音就一直怪怪的。
- My engine seems to be making a funny noise which sounds like pat-a-pat a-pat. 车的引擎好像有些怪响声,可否看看出了毛病?
- The engine stalled suddenly. 发动机突然熄火了。
- At that moment I was very busy trying to unscrew a bolt that had got stuck in my engine. 当时我正忙着卸下卡在引擎上的螺丝钉。
- I did not know.At that moment I was very busy trying to unscrew a bolt that had got stuck in my engine. 第五天,还是羊的事,把小王子的生活秘密向我揭开了。
- My car stalled half way up the hill. 我的车子开到半山腰抛锚了。
- My engineer laid an antipersonnel mine and was blown up by it! How can that be? 我的工兵埋设了一枚反步兵地雷又自己把它触发了!这是怎么回事?
- By this time my patience was exhausted, because I was in a hurry to start taking my engine apart. So I tossed off this drawing, the box. 这次,我的耐心被用光了。我急于要检修我的发动机。所以我匆匆地画了一幅画,一个箱子。
- My car had stalled and I sought help from casual passer- by. 我的车发动不起来了,我就向碰巧路过的人求助。