- My brain is buzzing. 我的脑袋嗡嗡响。
- My brain isn't functioning right today. 我的脑子今天不好使。
- Somehow my brain isn't functioning today. 不知道怎么搞的,今天我的脑子不转了。
- CLAY: Whoa! My brain is exploding! Whoa! 哇!我的脑子都要炸了!哇!
- My brain is a bit addled by whiskey. 威士忌搞得我头晕脑胀的。
- I'm hanging aroud,my mind is wanding, my brain is falling out... 现在记起签名的那句是有语法错误的.
- My brain is often at a loss to translate smells into words. 在用语言表达嗅觉时,我的大脑经常不知所措。
- My brain is continually on the rack about the means of living. 我总是为生计而伤神。
- Recently,I read the posts curtly,so my brain is so pain! 最近看帖子总是云里雾里的,在下的小脑袋瓜子都给弄疼极啦!
- The office is buzzing with rumours. 办公室里嘁嘁喳喳地议论着谣言。
- Previously, I went to Anyang, Henan's Shang Dynasty ruins of Yin, and my brain is still full of memories of there. 此前,我去了河南安阳商代的遗址殷墟,头脑中还充满了对那里的记忆。
- My brain is achy for long time .we lay on the road with luggage under his head,hoping to have a sleep. 嘿嘿,我们都开玩笑说,此生没有高反,是遗憾啊。
- The classroom is buzzing with rumours. 教室里嘁嘁喳喳地传播着谣言。
- Another test showed that my brain is about 50% more sensitive to fear than that of the typical person Dr.Hariri's lab has tested. 另一项测试表明,我的大脑对恐惧的敏感度比接受哈里里试验的一般人要高出50%25。
- This office is buzzing with activity. 办公室精力充沛地嗡嗡作响。
- TZ writes, my brain is rusting why? beacuse i use calculators everywhere. on my mobilephone,on my computer and so on....New technology makes us use everything except our brain. TZ写道,我的大脑开始生锈了,为什么呢?因为我在任何地方都使用计算器。我的手机,我的电脑等等....新科技让我使用任何东西,除了我们的大脑。
- Thibodaux, Fontaineaux, the place is buzzing. 这是个欢乐窝,
- The name from that time, having germinated the idea , conduct wanting to go to the bar immediately in my brain is served, conduct strives for good benefit. 从那次以后,我的脑子里立刻萌发了想要当律师的念头,为人名服务,为人们争取好的利益。
- How is Buzz getting on with his studies? 巴斯的学习情况怎么样?
- His good image has stolen up on my brain. 他的良好形象已渐渐在我头脑中形成。