- My arbitrary labor never stops. 我的武断劳方从未中止。
- My mum never stops moaning at me. 我的妈妈不停地向我抱怨着。
- Once he opens his mouth, he never stops. 他打开话匣子就没个完。
- The dog next door is a thorn in my side. It never stops barking. 隔壁的狗真的很让我反感,它总是不停的叫。
- The sales manager never stops aggrandizing his ability. 这个销售经理从不停止夸张自己的能力。
- The little horror never stops playing tricks on his parents. 这个小捣蛋无休止地作弄他的父母。
- He never stops asking stupid questions. 他愚蠢的问题没完没了。
- We'll never stop them arguing. I wish I were well out of it. 我们怎么也不能劝止他们的争吵,要是我能躲得开就好了。
- No matter how they stop me, whap my ass, I never stop. 但是大姨姨的手是香饽饽,只要伸到我面前来我就会无法克制的咬。
- My innermost feelings are the free flow mountain stream, never stops to front ! 我的内心是自由流淌的溪水,汩汩向前永远不停.
- I find her exhausting,she never stops talking. 我发现她真累人,她总是不停地说话。
- Ultimately, all I do is redraw my existing texture, make it black and transparent, and reposition it based upon my arbitrary sun position. 最终,我做的是重绘我现有的质地,使黑色和透明的,复位它根据我国任意太阳的位置。
- He never stopped trying for all his failures. 尽管他失败,但他从没放弃努力。
- He never stops talking about Mr. O'Neill. 他一天到晚都在讲欧尼尔先生。
- Randolph is a real dynamo; he never stops working. 鲁道夫浑身都是劲,总是不停地工作。
- Logistics is unique, and it never stops! 物流是独特的,它从不停止。
- Their fight against gangsterism never stops. 他们兴歹徒及其犯罪行为的斗争永无休止。
- The Law of Attraction never stops working. “吸引定律”也从不停止工作。
- No, it's because you never stop shopping. 不是,是因为你总是买个不停。
- The wheels of government never stop turning. 行政机关从不停止办公。