- McIntyre told me about My Neighbor Totoro and we watched it together. McIntyre和我谈及龙猫,我们一起看了。
- A lively 3D illustration of My Neighbor Totoro at Ghibli Museum, Mitaka, Tokyo ...my neighbor totoro 龙猫 动画 animation Japan 宫崎骏博物馆 日本 东京 三鹰市...
- The soot sprites from My Neighbor Totoro are here, working in the boiler room and feeding coal into the furnace, under the supervision of a crotchety old man with spider arms. 这个油屋欢迎着各种各样的客人,许多奇形怪样的,萝卜神和巨鸟,小型的交谈着的青蛙和龙。
- I take a peck at my neighbor paper. 我偷看隔壁的考卷。
- My neighbor took out the burnable trash. 我的邻居把可燃垃圾拿到外面去了。
- My neighbor is a man of highest virtue. 我的邻居是一个具有高尚品德的人。
- My Neighbor Totoro Image Songs 龙猫印象歌
- My neighbor's dog died from distemper. 我邻居的狗死于犬瘟热。
- My neighbor is an eccentric young man. 我的邻居是个古怪的年轻人。
- My neighbor is a mine of information about history. 我的一位邻居历史知识十分渊博。
- My Neighbor Totoron. 龙猫;日本动画电影;宫崎骏出品
- I borrowed a mower from my neighbor to cut grass in my garden. 我从邻居那借了割草机来割花园里的草。
- My neighbor is practicing the violin. 我的邻居在练习拉小提琴。
- The man you met yesterday is my neighbor. 你昨天遇见的人是我的邻居。
- The man often has a peep at my neighbor's house. 那人时常偷窥我邻居的房子。
- My neighbor erupted in anger over the noise. 噪声使我的邻居勃然大怒
- My neighbor's husband comes home late every night. 我隔壁的先生每天都很晚回来。
- I complained to the police about my neighbor's dog. 我向警方控诉邻居家的狗。
- My neighbors helped me in my time of need. 我的邻居在我困难的日子帮了我忙。
- I have little commerce with my neighbors. 我和邻居很少来往。