- Mustela amurensisn. 小艾鼬
- Maackia amurensis Rupr.et Maxim. 山槐 豆科 黄色木、朝鲜槐。
- Objective: To study the microscopic structure of Valeriana amurensis Smir. 目的:研究黑龙江省鸡西地区栽培黑水缬草根和根茎的显微构造。
- Conclusion:The extraction process for Valeriana amurensis Smirn is optimized. 结论:优选了超声法萃取黑水缬草精油的实验条件。
- A weasellike, usually albino mammal(Mustela putorius furo) related to the polecat and often trained to hunt rats or rabbits. 白鼬,雪貂一种象鼬的通常为白化体的与艾鼬有关的哺乳动物(鼬属雪貂),经常被驯养来猎取鼠和野兔
- Food habits of Siberian ferrets (Mustela eversmanni) were analysed with 133 piles of feces collected in Badaerhu Farm and its surroundings. 摘要对内蒙古巴达尔胡农场及周边地区收集的133堆艾鼬粪便进行了食性分析。
- A northern Eurasian mink(Mustela siberica)having a dark brown coat with tawny markings. 亚洲鼬欧亚北部的一种鼬(黄鼬鼬鼠属),有带黄褐色斑点的深棕色毛皮
- Any of various related mammals of Asia, especially Mustela eversmanni of central Asia. 鼬鼠科动物与鸡貂有亲缘关系的几种亚洲哺乳动物的任一种,尤指中亚的亚洲雪貂
- Effects of different vine space and row space and trellis on fruit quality and yield of Vitis Amurensis Rupr. 山葡萄不同株行距和架式对果实品质和产量的影响。
- A northern Eurasian mink(Mustela siberica) having a dark brown coat with tawny markings. 亚洲鼬欧亚北部的一种鼬(黄鼬鼬鼠属),有带黄褐色斑点的深棕色毛皮
- Occurrence and control of frost in Tilia amurensis and Fraxinus mandshurica young plantations. 紫椴、水曲柳人工幼林霜冻发生与控制研究。
- A trial for the pruning in the growth period of bearing treeof Vitis amurensis Rupr. 山葡萄成龄树夏季修剪试验。
- The Research on the Dynamic Variations of the Mineral Elements in the Leafstalks of Shuangyou Vitis amurensis Rupr. 双优山葡萄叶柄内矿质营养动态变化的研究。
- A weasel(Mustela erminea)of northern regions, having a black - tipped tail and dark brown fur that in winter changes to white. 白鼬北部地区的一种鼬(白鼬鼬属),尾部为黑色,深棕色皮毛在冬天变白
- Effect of different fertilization system on fruition, disease resistance and vine growth in Vitis amurensis Rupr. 不同施肥制度对山葡萄结果、抗病性和树体的影响。
- A weasellike, usually albino mammal(Mustela putorius furo)related to the polecat and often trained to hunt rats or rabbits. 白鼬,雪貂一种象鼬的通常为白化体的与艾鼬有关的哺乳动物(鼬属雪貂),经常被驯养来猎取鼠和野兔
- Decomposition processes of Tilia amurensis leaves in the Changbai Mountain forest ecosystem. 长白山森林生态系统中椴树叶分解进程的研究。
- A chiefly nocturnal European carnivorous mammal(Mustela putorius) of the weasel family that ejects a malodorous fluid to mark its territory and ward off enemies. 鸡貂,臭鼬鼬鼠科中的一种主要在夜间活动的欧洲肉食性哺乳动物(鼬属欧洲艾鼬),能排出一种有臭味的液体以划分其所占区域并驱走敌人
- Response of structural plasticity of Tilia amurensis sapling crowns to different light conditions. 不同光环境下紫椴幼树树冠结构的可塑性响应