- A Music Festival in Lode, Cambridgeshire, UK. 介绍: For fans of The Lodestar Festival.
- Music festival in Budapest 布达佩斯音乐周开幕
- They both performed at the Shanghai Spring Music Festival in 1961. 他们两人都参加了1961年上海之春音乐会的演出。
- As an alternative to suntan and Waikiki, why not try a music festival in summer? 夏天一来到,机场就会挤满要离开这个繁忙的都市的旅行者。
- This June party in style with 36 live rock bands at Rock It: The largest outdoor live music festival in Shanghai this year! 在今年六月上海最大的户外摇滚音乐节上,我们将邀请36支时尚摇滚乐队现场表演!
- She was invited to take part in the Aspen Music Festival in 1997 and studied with Maestro Murry Sidlin and David Zinman. 1997年夏应邀参加阿斯本音乐节,曾受到MurrySidlin和DavidZinman等大师指导。
- Thousands of people lock lips during the Glastonbury music festival in England to try to break the world record for simultaneous mass kissing. 在英国格拉斯通伯瑞音乐节上,数千人唇唇相接,试图打破多人同时接吻的世界记录。
- Thousands of people lock lips during the Glastonbury music festival in England to try to break the world record for simultaneous mass kissing. We don't know yet if they succeeded. 称之为大型亲吻活动。数千人在英格兰Glastonbury音乐节上亲吻,以打破人群同时亲吻时间的世界纪录。我们还不知道他们是否会成功。
- Mike Matt rides atop two horses as they clear a Ford Mustang at the Gulf Coast Horse Show and Music Festival in Panama City Beach, Florida, US, on April 26, 2007. 去年四月二十六日,麦可.麦特在美国佛罗里达州巴拿马市立海滨公园的湾岸马秀暨音乐季上,同时骑在两匹马背上飞跃过一部福特野马跑车。
- A reveler was killed and 40 others injured as a fierce thunderstorm caused an outdoor stage to collapse at a country music festival in western Canada Saturday. 1日,加拿大西部一个露天乡村音乐节活动遭遇暴风雨,舞台倒塌,致1人死亡40人受伤。
- This city has a music festival every summer. 本市每年举行一次夏季音乐节。
- The one in Budapest? -Yes. You remember that? 她过世了?就是布达佩斯的那一位?-是的,你还记得?
- Musical legend Chuck Berry holds his cherry-red guitar during a performance at a music festival in Aspen, Colorado. 科罗拉多州,阿斯彭,音乐传奇人物楚可贝利在一场演出中握着他的樱桃红吉他。
- The foremost of the year's highlights was the week-long Academy Music Festival in June,providing unprecedented educational opportunities for music students at the academy and throughout the education sector. 在六月举办为期一周的"演艺音乐节",是演艺学院年内的首要盛事。
- Larry flips on the TV while he is on vacation in Budapest. 赖瑞在布达佩斯渡假时,打开电视收看节目。
- Judging by scale, Midi deserves the title of the biggest rock music festival in China.To be more specific, it goes beyond music and become a gathering of people who love this culture. 迷笛不愧为国内规模最大的摇滚音乐盛会,更确切的说,它已经超出了音乐本身的范围,而是成为喜欢这种文化的人们的一个大聚会。
- Our city holds a music festival every year. 我们市每年举办音乐节。
- Botel Hotel is situated on a wonderful green island in Budapest. 这家亲切的廉价酒店坐落在一个绿色的环境之中,位于城市的北部。
- The famous singer will appear this fall at the music festival. 这位著名的歌手将在今秋的音乐节上演出。
- This year, music festivals were scattered around different cities: Strawberry Music Festival in Beijing, Zebra Music Festival in Chengdu, and Midi Music Festival in Zhenjiang. 今年的音乐节不再扎堆北京,而是分散到了不同的城市,北京草莓,成都热波,镇江迷迪。