- Mushroom can be eaten. 蘑菇可以吃。
- A herring is a North Atlantic fish that can be eaten. 鲱鱼是一种可食用的北大西洋海鱼。
- Borage can be eaten raw or cooked. 琉璃苣能被生食或烹调用。
- Melons have a sweet, soft pulp that can be eaten. 瓜肉又甜又软,好吃。
- The aerial stem of this plant can be eaten. 这种植物的地上茎可以食用。
- This plate of soysauce beef can be eaten with rice. 这碟酱牛肉可以就饭吃。
- See that you take and store every kind of food that can be eaten;this shall be food for you and for them. 此外还要带上各种吃的东西,储存在船上,作为你们和动物的食粮。
- He taught the child what can be eaten and what can not be eaten . 他教会了那个孩子懂得什么能吃,什么不能吃。
- He taught the child what can be eaten and what can not be eaten. 他教会了那个孩子懂得什么能吃,什么不能吃。
- They can be eaten plain or cooked in a tasty casserole. 它可以生吃或放在沙锅里煮熟才吃。
- It can be eaten raw but seems somewhat flavorless that way. 可以吃生的但是那样没那么美味。
- Corn is a useful plant that can be eaten by both people and animals. 玉米是人畜都能吃的有用植物。
- After several attacks, the snail is paralyzed and can be eaten at leisure. 几个回合过后,蜗牛疲惫不堪,只能乖乖被吃掉了。
- Tips: Pork can be replaced by chicken, it will be just as tasty Shredded shittaki mushroom can also be used in place of meat, if you are an vegetarian. 可以用鸡肉代替猪肉,一样鲜嫩美味可以用香菇丝代替肉丝,做成全素的。
- The potatoes can be eaten alone or smothered in a hearty turkey gravy. 这些马铃薯酱可以单独吃,或沾上烘烤得丰盛的火鸡汁佐食。
- Chufa is a kind of garden stuff that can be eaten as medicine or food. 荸荠是一种优良的药食兼用的果蔬类食品。
- Sardines can be eaten fresh but are often preserved in tins. 沙丁鱼可以吃新鲜的, 但常常是装听的。
- Before you go into the jungle, learn to recognize the varieties of plants that can be eaten. 为了获得足够的食物,在你进入丛林之前,应当首先学会辨识可食用的植物种类。
- Equipment for popular lake smelt ice fishing can be rented and fish caught can be eaten as tempura. 大受欢迎的钓公鱼的工具可以租赁,钓上来的公鱼还可以炸着吃。
- People become quite illogical when it comes to deciding what can be eaten and what can not be eaten. 在决定该吃什么不该吃什么的时候,人们往往变得不合情理。