- Multilevel feedwater pump 多级给水泵
- The feedwater pump improvement project of steam turbine group200 MW in Power Plant has been implemented in1998. 某发电厂于1998年实施了200mw汽轮机组的给水泵改造工程,将电动给水泵改为小汽轮机拖动的汽动给水泵。
- The system consists of feedwater pump control, adjusting valve level control, safety and alarm devices. 该系统包括给水泵控制、调节阀阀位控制以及安全保护和报警。
- The feedwater pump improvement project of steam turbine group 200MW in Power Plant has been implemented in 1998. 摘要某发电厂于1998年实施了200MW汽轮机组的给水泵改造工程,将电动给水泵改为小汽轮机拖动的汽动给水泵。
- The running state and the allowed operating range of the feedwater pump can be determined with the model. 利用本模型,可确定给水泵真实运行状态和允许的工作范围。
- Considering complicated variables of boiler feedwater pump system,its bond graph models are established based on bond graph theory. 锅炉给水泵是火电厂安全运行中一个比较重要的环节,建立其较精确的仿真模型从而研究其动态特性是非常重要的。
- The motor boiler feedwater pump(MBFP)of Unit 2 in Zhuhai Power Station encountered excessive shaft vibration(X/Y side)and even resultant trip-out during monthly periodical start-up test. 珠海发电厂2号机组电动给水泵在每月的定期试验起动过程中出现泵轴“振动高”和轴承“振动高高”的报警,甚至出现因振动大而导致电动给水泵跳闸。
- This article introduces the cause and analyses the accident of the rotor, holding in death of the boiler feedwater pump, summing-up the way and technique measure in the process of repairing. 摘要介绍了大型氨厂锅炉给水泵转子抱死事故的原因,对其进行分析,并对修复过程中采取的方法及技术措施进行了总结。
- Taking feedwater pump allocated originally for300 MW unit as an example, the methods and measures for enhancing efficiency of said feedwater pump have been expounded from aspects of design and manufacture for hydraulic parts of feedwater pumps. 以与300mw机组配用的给水泵为例,从给水泵水力部件的设计与制造方面,提出提高给水泵效率的方法。
- feedwater pump driven by steam turbine 汽动给水泵
- steam turbine of boiler feedwater pump 给水泵驱动汽轮机
- Mathematic Model of Variable Speed Feedwater Pump Characteristic 变速给水泵特性的数学模型
- Cause Analysis on Excess Temperature of Hydraulic Coupler of Feedwater Pump 给泵液力偶合器超温原因分析
- Preventive Treatment of Feedwater Pump Cavitation Under Large Flow-rate 锅炉给水泵大流量工况下汽蚀的防治
- A tyre expands when you pump air into it. 轮胎一打气就鼓起来。
- Are examples of formatting of multilevel numbers. 是格式化多层次编号的例子。
- Some multilevel marketing plans are legitimate. 有一些多层次直销是合法的。
- Treatment of Unreturnable Sealing Water for Feedwater Pump of 330 MW Set 330MW机组给泵密封水不能回收的处理
- Lashing velocity of pump is concerned with nature of air. 泵的抽气速率与气体的性质有关。
- Measures for long period and steady operation of boiler feedwater pump 浅谈锅炉给水泵长周期稳定运行的措施