- Multifunctional optical fibres 多功能光纤
- Optical fibres cables - Part 3: sectional specification - Outdoor cables. 光缆。第3部分:分规范。户外电缆。
- This Net refers to the computer network of satellites, optic fibres, cables and telephone lines that connect the whole world. 这网络就是指由卫星、光纤、电缆和电话线路把世界各个角落联系到一起的电脑网络。
- This Net refers to the computer network of satellites,optic fibres,cables and telephone lines that connect the whole world. 这网络就是指由卫星、光纤、电缆和电话线路把世界各个角落联系到一起的电脑网络。
- A kind of black matt coating for optical fibres is introduced in terms of its functions, performances and applications. 介绍了一种用于光纤表面的黑色消光涂料,并讨论了该涂料的作用、性能和应用。
- Optic fibres are increasingly being used to carry information. They can transmit over 10gigabytes per second and a single 1.9 cm cable can replace 20 normal 8.9 cm coaxial cables. 光纤被日益广泛地用作信息载体,它们传输信息 的速度超过每秒10千兆字节,一根1.;9厘米的光纤可 以代替20根常规的8
- Light transmission through optical fibres for communication and signalling.Fibre Optic(F/O)transmission is immune to most electromagnetic interference and common mode noise(hum). 利用光导技术来传送信号的光缆。用光纤传输可免受电磁场和普通噪音的干扰。
- Total internal reflection is responsible for rainbows, atmospheric halos, the sparkle of a diamond, and the path of light through optical fibres. 虹、大气晕圈、钻石的闪光以及光线通过光纤路径等现象都是由全内反射引起的。
- This Recommendation covers the geometrical and transmissive properties of dispersion-shifted single-mode optical fibres and cables. 本建议包括色散位移单模光纤和光缆的几何及传输特性。
- multifunctional optical receiver 光站
- The light from stimulating source to the pigment sample and the emitting light from the pigment sample to the photometer are transmitted by optical fibres. 从激发源到样品的激发光,以及从样品到光度计的发射光均由光纤进行传导。
- A sensor channels the light signal along an optical fibre. 传感器沿光导纤维输送光信号。
- Until today, HydroResearch and Sensornet have installed optical fibres for monitoring of seepage and/or movements in more than 20 dams, dykes and tailing dams at 16 different dam sites in Sweden. 到目前为止,本水研究所(HydroResearch)和Sensornet有限公司已经在瑞典16处不同坝址的20多座大坝、堤坝和尾矿坝上铺设了光纤,用于监测渗漏/或位移。
- Hello ,everyone .I'm working in the intl's dep.Our company is engaging in manufacturing optical fibres, steel-plastic compound belt etc.If you need some products ,pls contact me asap. 大家好,我是做外贸的,主要往国外销售光缆,复合钢带等产品.如有需要,请随时联系.谢谢!
- The composition difference between optical fibre plate HMB and CMB was studied. 研究了HMB和CMB两种光学纤维面板的成分差异。
- The optic fibre grating is a section of optic fibres, have structure that refracting rate periodicity changes in its fine core. 英语高手进 谢谢帮翻译光纤光栅就是一段光纤,其纤芯中具有折射率周期性变化的结构。
- It is already being used in the 1.8km 8.448 Mb/s PCM-120 route optic fibre telephone communication system. 已用于1.;8公里;8
- By the end of 1997, about 1 020 000 homes were passed by Wharf Cable's MMDS network, and about 503 000 homes were served by its optical fibre network. 截至一九九七年底,九仓有线电视利用微波方式传送节目的服务已直达逾102万个家庭,而利用光纤有线网络直达的家庭则约有503000个。
- The extra channels offered on the optical fibre network are mostly additional pay-per-view movie channels and an international home shopping channel. 用光纤网络收看节目的观众则可观看更多自选节目和一个购物台。