- Machining of PCB(printed circuit board) is a typical process of two dimensional multi hole. 印刷电路板PCB的加工是二维多孔数控钻的典型。
- After the Kongdong reservoir water hole plate gate rebuild into a cone valve,the stilling basin,model test was conducted. 悬栅消力池是在新疆喀什河吉林台一级水电站引水隧洞水力学模型试验中提出的一种新型的消能工型式。
- In this paper, we measured the thermal resistance of multi hole brick, designed external insulation wall and calculated the thermal resistance and the thickness of insulation mortar, which can save energy by 50% in Lianyungang. 试验测定了连云港地区几种多排孔封底砌块的热阻,并在此基础上设计和计算了寒冷地区节能50%25的几种外保温复合墙体的热阻及聚苯颗粒保温砂浆厚度。
- Apart from ordinary honeycomb plates, honeycomb holes plates (or reinforce plates), the Company has also developed a compound micropore honeycomb plate. 公司除了生产普通蜂窝板,小孔蜂窝板(又称加强板)之外,公司还开发了复合微孔蜂窝板。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- The buckling load ration of the holed plate and integrity plate was gived.It was pointed out the buckling stress of the holed thin plate is smaller than it of the no holed plate. 其失稳临界应力与完整平板的结果作了比较,指出了开口对薄板失稳临界应力带来的影响。
- Look at the holes that have been worn in this rug. 瞧瞧这块小地毯上磨出的洞。
- The enemy's shells made great holes in the ranks. 敌人的炮弹在士兵行列中炸成大洞。
- The holes in the cloth were made by moths. 布上的洞是虫子蛀的。
- They pick holes in everything I suggest. 只要是我提的建议他们就挑毛病。
- He only put a bit on his plate to make fashion. 他只是拨了一点食物到盘子里做做样子。
- Characteristics of Flow Heat Transfer of Transpiration Cooling for Laminated Plates with Inclined- Multi Holes 多斜孔层板发散冷却流动传热特性
- He chiseled a hole in the door to fit a new lock. 他在门上凿了个孔,以便装一把新锁。
- The number shall be cut in on a plate. 号码将雕刻在一块金属板上。
- Rabbits had burrowed holes in the grassy bank. 兔子在河岸的草地上掘了些洞。
- I hid the broken plate behind the table. 我把打碎的盘子藏在餐桌后面了。
- The bird picked a hole in the ice with its beak. 那鸟在冰上啄出了一个洞。
- That boat is done with the steel plate. 那艘船是用钢板做的。
- Father stopped up the rat's holes. 父亲堵塞了那些老鼠洞。
- This glass plate is very fragile. 这个玻璃盘子很容易碎。